Specifies the blending operation used by the Blend command. For this command to have any effect, there must also be a Blend command in the same Pass block (if this command is in a Pass block) or SubShader block (if this command is in a SubShader block).
Not all blending operations are supported on all devices, and support depends on both the graphics API and the hardware. Different graphics APIs handle unsupported blending operations differently: GL skips unsupported operations, and Vulkan and Metal fall back to Add operations.
Feature name | Built-in Render PipelineA series of operations that take the contents of a Scene, and displays them on a screen. Unity lets you choose from pre-built render pipelines, or write your own. More info See in Glossary |
Universal Render Pipeline (URP) | High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) | Custom SRP |
BlendOp | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
This command makes a change to the render state. Use it in a Pass
block to set the render state for that Pass, or use it in a SubShader
block to set the render state for all Passes in that SubShader.
Signature | Example syntax | Function |
BlendOp <operation> |
BlendOp Sub |
Sets the blending operation used by the Blend command. |
Parameter | Value | Function |
operation | Add |
Add source and destination together. |
Sub |
Subtract destination from source. | |
RevSub |
Subtract source from destination. | |
Min |
Use the smaller of source and destination. | |
Max |
Use the larger of source and destination. | |
LogicalClear |
Logical operation: Clear (0) (See note 1) |
LogicalSet |
Logical operation: Set (1) (See note 1) |
LogicalCopy |
Logical operation: Copy (s) (See note 1) |
LogicalCopyInverted |
Logical operation: Copy inverted (!s) (See note 1) |
LogicalNoop |
Logical operation: Noop (d) (See note 1) |
LogicalInvert |
Logical operation: Invert (!d) (See note 1) |
LogicalAnd |
Logical operation: And (s & d) (See note 1) |
LogicalNand |
Logical operation: Nand !(s & d) (See note 1) |
LogicalOr |
Logical operation: Or (s | d) (See note 1) |
LogicalNor |
Logical operation: Nor !(s | d) (See note 1) |
LogicalXor |
Logical operation: Xor (s ^ d) (See note 1) |
LogicalEquiv |
Logical operation: Equivalence !(s ^ d) (See note 1) |
LogicalAndReverse |
Logical operation: Reverse And (s & !d) (See note 1) |
LogicalAndInverted |
Logical operation: Inverted And (!s & d) (See note 1) |
LogicalOrReverse |
Logical operation: Reverse Or (s | !d) (See note 1) |
LogicalOrInverted |
Logical operation: Inverted Or (!s | d) (See note 1) |
Multiply |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: Multiply (See note 2) |
Screen |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: Screen (See note 2) |
Overlay |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: Overlay (See note 2) |
Darken |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: Darken (See note 2) |
Lighten |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: Lighten (See note 2) |
ColorDodge |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: ColorDodge (See note 2) |
ColorBurn |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: ColorBurn (See note 2) |
HardLight |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: HardLight (See note 2) |
SoftLight |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: SoftLight (See note 2) |
Difference |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: Difference (See note 2) |
Exclusion |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: Exclusion (See note 2) |
HSLHue |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: HSLHue (See note 2) |
HSLSaturation |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: HSLSaturation (See note 2) |
HSLColor |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: HSLColor (See note 2) |
HSLLuminosity |
Advanced OpenGL blending operation: HSLLuminosity (See note 2) |
, GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
, or GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced
. They can only be used with standard RGBA blending; they are not compatible with separate RGB and alpha blending.Shader "Examples/CommandExample"
// The rest of the code that defines the SubShader goes here.
// Enable subtractive blending for this Pass
Blend SrcAlpha One
BlendOp RevSub
// The rest of the code that defines the Pass goes here.
This example code demonstrates the syntax for using this command in a SubShader block.
Shader "Examples/CommandExample"
// Enable subtractive blending for this SubShader
Blend SrcAlpha One
BlendOp RevSub
// The rest of the code that defines the SubShader goes here.
// The rest of the code that defines the Pass goes here.