A reference of common class ID numbers used by the YAML file format is given below, both in numerical order of class IDs and alphabetical order of class names. Note that some ranges of numbers are intentionally omitted from the sequence - these may represent classes that have been removed from the API or may be reserved for future use. Classes defined from scriptsA piece of code that allows you to create your own Components, trigger game events, modify Component properties over time and respond to user input in any way you like. More info
See in Glossary will always have class ID 114 (MonoBehaviour).
ID | Class |
0 | Object |
1 | GameObjectThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info See in Glossary |
2 | Component |
3 | LevelGameManager |
4 | Transform |
5 | TimeManager |
6 | GlobalGameManager |
8 | Behaviour |
9 | GameManager |
11 | AudioManager |
13 | InputManager |
18 | EditorExtension |
19 | Physics2DSettings |
20 | CameraA component which creates an image of a particular viewpoint in your scene. The output is either drawn to the screen or captured as a texture. More info See in Glossary |
21 | Material |
23 | MeshRenderer |
25 | Renderer |
27 | Texture |
28 | Texture2D |
29 | OcclusionCullingSettings |
30 | GraphicsSettings |
33 | MeshFilter |
41 | OcclusionPortal |
43 | MeshThe main graphics primitive of Unity. Meshes make up a large part of your 3D worlds. Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. Nurbs, Nurms, Subdiv surfaces must be converted to polygons. More info See in Glossary |
45 | SkyboxA special type of Material used to represent skies. Usually six-sided. More info See in Glossary |
47 | QualitySettings |
48 | ShaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info See in Glossary |
49 | TextAsset |
50 | Rigidbody2D |
53 | Collider2D |
54 | RigidbodyA component that allows a GameObject to be affected by simulated gravity and other forces. More info See in Glossary |
55 | PhysicsManager |
56 | ColliderAn invisible shape that is used to handle physical collisions for an object. A collider doesn’t need to be exactly the same shape as the object’s mesh - a rough approximation is often more efficient and indistinguishable in gameplay. More info See in Glossary |
57 | JointA physics component allowing a dynamic connection between Rigidbody components, usually allowing some degree of movement such as a hinge. More info See in Glossary |
58 | CircleCollider2D |
59 | HingeJoint |
60 | PolygonCollider2D |
61 | BoxCollider2D |
62 | PhysicsMaterial2D |
64 | MeshCollider |
65 | BoxCollider |
66 | CompositeCollider2D |
68 | EdgeCollider2D |
70 | CapsuleCollider2D |
72 | ComputeShader |
74 | AnimationClip |
75 | ConstantForce |
78 | TagManager |
81 | AudioListener |
82 | AudioSource |
83 | AudioClip |
84 | RenderTexture |
86 | CustomRenderTexture |
89 | CubemapA collection of six square textures that can represent the reflections in an environment or the skybox drawn behind your geometry. The six squares form the faces of an imaginary cube that surrounds an object; each face represents the view along the directions of the world axes (up, down, left, right, forward and back). More info See in Glossary |
90 | AvatarAn interface for retargeting animation from one rig to another. More info See in Glossary |
91 | AnimatorController |
93 | RuntimeAnimatorController |
94 | ShaderNameRegistry |
95 | Animator |
96 | TrailRenderer |
98 | DelayedCallManager |
102 | TextMesh |
104 | RenderSettings |
108 | Light |
109 | ShaderInclude |
110 | BaseAnimationTrack |
111 | Animation |
114 | MonoBehaviour |
115 | MonoScript |
116 | MonoManager |
117 | Texture3D |
118 | NewAnimationTrack |
119 | Projector |
120 | LineRenderer |
121 | Flare |
122 | Halo |
123 | LensFlare |
124 | FlareLayer |
126 | NavMeshProjectSettings |
128 | Font |
129 | PlayerSettings |
130 | NamedObject |
134 | PhysicMaterial |
135 | SphereCollider |
136 | CapsuleCollider |
137 | SkinnedMeshRenderer |
138 | FixedJoint |
141 | BuildSettings |
142 | AssetBundle |
143 | CharacterController |
144 | CharacterJoint |
145 | SpringJoint |
146 | WheelCollider |
147 | ResourceManager |
150 | PreloadData |
152 | MovieTexture |
153 | ConfigurableJoint |
154 | TerrainCollider |
156 | TerrainData |
157 | LightmapSettings |
158 | WebCamTexture |
159 | EditorSettings |
162 | EditorUserSettings |
164 | AudioReverbFilter |
165 | AudioHighPassFilter |
166 | AudioChorusFilter |
167 | AudioReverbZone |
168 | AudioEchoFilter |
169 | AudioLowPassFilter |
170 | AudioDistortionFilter |
171 | SparseTexture |
180 | AudioBehaviour |
181 | AudioFilter |
182 | WindZone |
183 | Cloth |
184 | SubstanceArchive |
185 | ProceduralMaterial |
186 | ProceduralTexture |
187 | Texture2DArray |
188 | CubemapArray |
191 | OffMeshLink |
192 | OcclusionArea |
193 | Tree |
195 | NavMeshAgent |
196 | NavMeshSettings |
198 | ParticleSystem |
199 | ParticleSystemRenderer |
200 | ShaderVariantCollection |
205 | LODGroup |
206 | BlendTree |
207 | Motion |
208 | NavMeshObstacle |
210 | SortingGroup |
212 | SpriteRenderer |
213 | SpriteA 2D graphic objects. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for efficiency and convenience during development. More info See in Glossary |
214 | CachedSpriteAtlas |
215 | ReflectionProbe |
218 | TerrainThe landscape in your scene. A Terrain GameObject adds a large flat plane to your scene and you can use the Terrain’s Inspector window to create a detailed landscape. More info See in Glossary |
220 | LightProbeGroup |
221 | AnimatorOverrideController |
222 | CanvasRenderer |
223 | Canvas |
224 | RectTransform |
225 | CanvasGroup |
226 | BillboardAsset |
227 | BillboardRenderer |
228 | SpeedTreeWindAsset |
229 | AnchoredJoint2D |
230 | Joint2D |
231 | SpringJoint2D |
232 | DistanceJoint2D |
233 | HingeJoint2D |
234 | SliderJoint2D |
235 | WheelJoint2D |
236 | ClusterInputManager |
237 | BaseVideoTexture |
238 | NavMeshData |
240 | AudioMixer |
241 | AudioMixerController |
243 | AudioMixerGroupController |
244 | AudioMixerEffectController |
245 | AudioMixerSnapshotController |
246 | PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D |
247 | ConstantForce2D |
248 | Effector2D |
249 | AreaEffector2D |
250 | PointEffector2D |
251 | PlatformEffector2D |
252 | SurfaceEffector2D |
253 | BuoyancyEffector2D |
254 | RelativeJoint2D |
255 | FixedJoint2D |
256 | FrictionJoint2D |
257 | TargetJoint2D |
258 | LightProbes |
259 | LightProbeProxyVolume |
271 | SampleClip |
272 | AudioMixerSnapshot |
273 | AudioMixerGroup |
290 | AssetBundleManifest |
300 | RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManager |
310 | UnityConnectSettings |
319 | AvatarMask |
320 | PlayableDirector |
328 | VideoPlayer |
329 | VideoClip |
330 | ParticleSystemForceField |
331 | SpriteMask |
363 | OcclusionCullingData |
1001 | PrefabInstance |
1002 | EditorExtensionImpl |
1003 | AssetImporter |
1005 | Mesh3DSImporter |
1006 | TextureImporter |
1007 | ShaderImporter |
1008 | ComputeShaderImporter |
1020 | AudioImporter |
1026 | HierarchyState |
1028 | AssetMetaData |
1029 | DefaultAsset |
1030 | DefaultImporter |
1031 | TextScriptImporter |
1032 | SceneAsset |
1034 | NativeFormatImporter |
1035 | MonoImporter |
1038 | LibraryAssetImporter |
1040 | ModelImporter |
1041 | FBXImporter |
1042 | TrueTypeFontImporter |
1045 | EditorBuildSettings |
1048 | InspectorExpandedState |
1049 | AnnotationManager |
1050 | PluginImporter |
1051 | EditorUserBuildSettings |
1055 | IHVImageFormatImporter |
1101 | AnimatorStateTransition |
1102 | AnimatorState |
1105 | HumanTemplate |
1107 | AnimatorStateMachine |
1108 | PreviewAnimationClip |
1109 | AnimatorTransition |
1110 | SpeedTreeImporter |
1111 | AnimatorTransitionBase |
1112 | SubstanceImporter |
1113 | LightmapParameters |
1120 | LightingDataAsset |
1124 | SketchUpImporter |
1125 | BuildReport |
1126 | PackedAssets |
1127 | VideoClipImporter |
100000 | int |
100001 | bool |
100002 | float |
100003 | MonoObject |
100004 | CollisionA collision occurs when the physics engine detects that the colliders of two GameObjects make contact or overlap, when at least one has a Rigidbody component and is in motion. More info See in Glossary |
100005 | Vector3f |
100006 | RootMotionData |
100007 | Collision2D |
100008 | AudioMixerLiveUpdateFloat |
100009 | AudioMixerLiveUpdateBool |
100010 | Polygon2D |
100011 | void |
19719996 | TilemapCollider2D |
41386430 | ImportLog |
73398921 | VFXRenderer |
156049354 | Grid |
156483287 | ScenesUsingAssets |
171741748 | ArticulationBody |
181963792 | Preset |
285090594 | IConstraint |
294290339 | AssemblyDefinitionReferenceImporter |
369655926 | AssetImportInProgressProxy |
382020655 | PluginBuildInfo |
387306366 | MemorySettings |
426301858 | EditorProjectAccess |
468431735 | PrefabImporter |
483693784 | TilemapRenderer |
612988286 | SpriteAtlasAsset |
638013454 | SpriteAtlasDatabase |
641289076 | AudioBuildInfo |
644342135 | CachedSpriteAtlasRuntimeData |
662584278 | AssemblyDefinitionReferenceAsset |
668709126 | BuiltAssetBundleInfoSet |
687078895 | SpriteAtlas |
747330370 | RayTracingShaderImporter |
815301076 | PreviewImporter |
825902497 | RayTracingShader |
850595691 | LightingSettings |
877146078 | PlatformModuleSetup |
890905787 | VersionControlSettings |
893571522 | CustomCollider2D |
895512359 | AimConstraint |
937362698 | VFXManager |
947337230 | RoslynAnalyzerConfigAsset |
954905827 | RuleSetFileAsset |
994735392 | VisualEffectSubgraph |
994735403 | VisualEffectSubgraphOperator |
994735404 | VisualEffectSubgraphBlock |
1001480554 | PrefabAn asset type that allows you to store a GameObject complete with components and properties. The prefab acts as a template from which you can create new object instances in the scene. More info See in Glossary |
1027052791 | LocalizationImporter |
1114811875 | ReferencesArtifactGenerator |
1152215463 | AssemblyDefinitionAsset |
1154873562 | SceneVisibilityState |
1183024399 | LookAtConstraint |
1210832254 | SpriteAtlasImporter |
1223240404 | MultiArtifactTestImporter |
1268269756 | GameObjectRecorder |
1325145578 | LightingDataAssetParent |
1386491679 | PresetManager |
1403656975 | StreamingManager |
1480428607 | LowerResBlitTexture |
1521398425 | VideoBuildInfo |
1541671625 | C4DImporter |
1542919678 | StreamingController |
1557264870 | ShaderContainer |
1597193336 | RoslynAdditionalFileAsset |
1642787288 | RoslynAdditionalFileImporter |
1660057539 | SceneRoots |
1731078267 | BrokenPrefabAsset |
1736697216 | AndroidAssetPackImporter |
1742807556 | GridLayout |
1766753193 | AssemblyDefinitionImporter |
1773428102 | ParentConstraint |
1777034230 | RuleSetFileImporter |
1818360608 | PositionConstraint |
1818360609 | RotationConstraint |
1818360610 | ScaleConstraint |
1839735485 | TilemapA GameObject that allows you to quickly create 2D levels using tiles and a grid overlay. More info See in Glossary |
1896753125 | PackageManifest |
1896753126 | PackageManifestImporter |
1903396204 | RoslynAnalyzerConfigImporter |
1953259897 | TerrainLayer |
1971053207 | SpriteShapeRenderer |
2058629509 | VisualEffectAsset |
2058629510 | VisualEffectImporter |
2058629511 | VisualEffectResource |
2059678085 | VisualEffectObject |
2083052967 | VisualEffect |
2083778819 | LocalizationAsset |
2089858483 | ScriptedImporter |
2103361453 | ShaderIncludeImporter |
ID | Class |
AimConstraint | 895512359 |
AnchoredJoint2D | 229 |
AndroidAssetPackImporter | 1736697216 |
Animation | 111 |
AnimationClip | 74 |
Animator | 95 |
AnimatorController | 91 |
AnimatorOverrideController | 221 |
AnimatorState | 1102 |
AnimatorStateMachine | 1107 |
AnimatorStateTransition | 1101 |
AnimatorTransition | 1109 |
AnimatorTransitionBase | 1111 |
AnnotationManager | 1049 |
AreaEffector2D | 249 |
ArticulationBody | 171741748 |
AssemblyDefinitionAsset | 1152215463 |
AssemblyDefinitionImporter | 1766753193 |
AssemblyDefinitionReferenceAsset | 662584278 |
AssemblyDefinitionReferenceImporter | 294290339 |
AssetBundle | 142 |
AssetBundleManifest | 290 |
AssetImporter | 1003 |
AssetImportInProgressProxy | 369655926 |
AssetMetaData | 1028 |
AudioBehaviour | 180 |
AudioBuildInfo | 641289076 |
AudioChorusFilter | 166 |
AudioClip | 83 |
AudioDistortionFilter | 170 |
AudioEchoFilter | 168 |
AudioFilter | 181 |
AudioHighPassFilter | 165 |
AudioImporter | 1020 |
AudioListener | 81 |
AudioLowPassFilter | 169 |
AudioManager | 11 |
AudioMixer | 240 |
AudioMixerController | 241 |
AudioMixerEffectController | 244 |
AudioMixerGroup | 273 |
AudioMixerGroupController | 243 |
AudioMixerLiveUpdateBool | 100009 |
AudioMixerLiveUpdateFloat | 100008 |
AudioMixerSnapshot | 272 |
AudioMixerSnapshotController | 245 |
AudioReverbFilter | 164 |
AudioReverbZone | 167 |
AudioSource | 82 |
Avatar | 90 |
AvatarMask | 319 |
BaseAnimationTrack | 110 |
BaseVideoTexture | 237 |
Behaviour | 8 |
BillboardAsset | 226 |
BillboardRenderer | 227 |
BlendTree | 206 |
bool | 100001 |
BoxCollider | 65 |
BoxCollider2D | 61 |
BrokenPrefabAsset | 1731078267 |
BuildReport | 1125 |
BuildSettings | 141 |
BuiltAssetBundleInfoSet | 668709126 |
BuoyancyEffector2D | 253 |
C4DImporter | 1541671625 |
CachedSpriteAtlas | 214 |
CachedSpriteAtlasRuntimeData | 644342135 |
Camera | 20 |
Canvas | 223 |
CanvasGroup | 225 |
CanvasRenderer | 222 |
CapsuleCollider | 136 |
CapsuleCollider2D | 70 |
CharacterController | 143 |
CharacterJoint | 144 |
CircleCollider2D | 58 |
Cloth | 183 |
ClusterInputManager | 236 |
Collider | 56 |
Collider2D | 53 |
Collision | 100004 |
Collision2D | 100007 |
Component | 2 |
CompositeCollider2D | 66 |
ComputeShader | 72 |
ComputeShaderImporter | 1008 |
ConfigurableJoint | 153 |
ConstantForce | 75 |
ConstantForce2D | 247 |
Cubemap | 89 |
CubemapArray | 188 |
CustomCollider2D | 893571522 |
CustomRenderTexture | 86 |
DefaultAsset | 1029 |
DefaultImporter | 1030 |
DelayedCallManager | 98 |
DistanceJoint2D | 232 |
EdgeCollider2D | 68 |
EditorBuildSettings | 1045 |
EditorExtension | 18 |
EditorExtensionImpl | 1002 |
EditorProjectAccess | 426301858 |
EditorSettings | 159 |
EditorUserBuildSettings | 1051 |
EditorUserSettings | 162 |
Effector2D | 248 |
FBXImporter | 1041 |
FixedJoint | 138 |
FixedJoint2D | 255 |
Flare | 121 |
FlareLayer | 124 |
float | 100002 |
Font | 128 |
FrictionJoint2D | 256 |
GameManager | 9 |
GameObject | 1 |
GameObjectRecorder | 1268269756 |
GlobalGameManager | 6 |
GraphicsSettings | 30 |
Grid | 156049354 |
GridLayout | 1742807556 |
Halo | 122 |
HierarchyState | 1026 |
HingeJoint | 59 |
HingeJoint2D | 233 |
HumanTemplate | 1105 |
IConstraint | 285090594 |
IHVImageFormatImporter | 1055 |
ImportLog | 41386430 |
InputManager | 13 |
InspectorExpandedState | 1048 |
int | 100000 |
Joint | 57 |
Joint2D | 230 |
LensFlare | 123 |
LevelGameManager | 3 |
LibraryAssetImporter | 1038 |
Light | 108 |
LightingDataAsset | 1120 |
LightingDataAssetParent | 1325145578 |
LightingSettings | 850595691 |
LightmapParameters | 1113 |
LightmapSettings | 157 |
LightProbeGroup | 220 |
LightProbeProxyVolume | 259 |
LightProbes | 258 |
LineRenderer | 120 |
LocalizationAsset | 2083778819 |
LocalizationImporter | 1027052791 |
LODGroup | 205 |
LookAtConstraint | 1183024399 |
LowerResBlitTexture | 1480428607 |
Material | 21 |
MemorySettings | 387306366 |
Mesh | 43 |
Mesh3DSImporter | 1005 |
MeshCollider | 64 |
MeshFilter | 33 |
MeshRenderer | 23 |
ModelImporter | 1040 |
MonoBehaviour | 114 |
MonoImporter | 1035 |
MonoManager | 116 |
MonoObject | 100003 |
MonoScript | 115 |
Motion | 207 |
MovieTexture | 152 |
MultiArtifactTestImporter | 1223240404 |
NamedObject | 130 |
NativeFormatImporter | 1034 |
NavMeshAgent | 195 |
NavMeshData | 238 |
NavMeshObstacle | 208 |
NavMeshProjectSettings | 126 |
NavMeshSettings | 196 |
NewAnimationTrack | 118 |
Object | 0 |
OcclusionArea | 192 |
OcclusionCullingData | 363 |
OcclusionCullingSettings | 29 |
OcclusionPortal | 41 |
OffMeshLink | 191 |
PackageManifest | 1896753125 |
PackageManifestImporter | 1896753126 |
PackedAssets | 1126 |
ParentConstraint | 1773428102 |
ParticleSystem | 198 |
ParticleSystemForceField | 330 |
ParticleSystemRenderer | 199 |
PhysicMaterial | 134 |
Physics2DSettings | 19 |
PhysicsManager | 55 |
PhysicsMaterial2D | 62 |
PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D | 246 |
PlatformEffector2D | 251 |
PlatformModuleSetup | 877146078 |
PlayableDirector | 320 |
PlayerSettings | 129 |
PluginBuildInfo | 382020655 |
PluginImporter | 1050 |
PointEffector2D | 250 |
Polygon2D | 100010 |
PolygonCollider2D | 60 |
PositionConstraint | 1818360608 |
Prefab | 1001480554 |
PrefabImporter | 468431735 |
PrefabInstance | 1001 |
PreloadData | 150 |
Preset | 181963792 |
PresetManager | 1386491679 |
PreviewAnimationClip | 1108 |
PreviewImporter | 815301076 |
ProceduralMaterial | 185 |
ProceduralTexture | 186 |
Projector | 119 |
QualitySettings | 47 |
RayTracingShader | 825902497 |
RayTracingShaderImporter | 747330370 |
RectTransform | 224 |
ReferencesArtifactGenerator | 1114811875 |
ReflectionProbe | 215 |
RelativeJoint2D | 254 |
Renderer | 25 |
RenderSettings | 104 |
RenderTexture | 84 |
ResourceManager | 147 |
Rigidbody | 54 |
Rigidbody2D | 50 |
RootMotionData | 100006 |
RoslynAdditionalFileAsset | 1597193336 |
RoslynAdditionalFileImporter | 1642787288 |
RoslynAnalyzerConfigAsset | 947337230 |
RoslynAnalyzerConfigImporter | 1903396204 |
RotationConstraint | 1818360609 |
RuleSetFileAsset | 954905827 |
RuleSetFileImporter | 1777034230 |
RuntimeAnimatorController | 93 |
RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManager | 300 |
SampleClip | 271 |
ScaleConstraint | 1818360610 |
SceneAsset | 1032 |
SceneRoots | 1660057539 |
ScenesUsingAssets | 156483287 |
SceneVisibilityState | 1154873562 |
ScriptedImporter | 2089858483 |
Shader | 48 |
ShaderContainer | 1557264870 |
ShaderImporter | 1007 |
ShaderInclude | 109 |
ShaderIncludeImporter | 2103361453 |
ShaderNameRegistry | 94 |
ShaderVariantCollection | 200 |
SketchUpImporter | 1124 |
SkinnedMeshRenderer | 137 |
Skybox | 45 |
SliderJoint2D | 234 |
SortingGroup | 210 |
SparseTexture | 171 |
SpeedTreeImporter | 1110 |
SpeedTreeWindAsset | 228 |
SphereCollider | 135 |
SpringJoint | 145 |
SpringJoint2D | 231 |
Sprite | 213 |
SpriteAtlas | 687078895 |
SpriteAtlasAsset | 612988286 |
SpriteAtlasDatabase | 638013454 |
SpriteAtlasImporter | 1210832254 |
SpriteMask | 331 |
SpriteRenderer | 212 |
SpriteShapeRenderer | 1971053207 |
StreamingController | 1542919678 |
StreamingManager | 1403656975 |
SubstanceArchive | 184 |
SubstanceImporter | 1112 |
SurfaceEffector2D | 252 |
TagManager | 78 |
TargetJoint2D | 257 |
Terrain | 218 |
TerrainCollider | 154 |
TerrainData | 156 |
TerrainLayer | 1953259897 |
TextAsset | 49 |
TextMesh | 102 |
TextScriptImporter | 1031 |
Texture | 27 |
Texture2D | 28 |
Texture2DArray | 187 |
Texture3D | 117 |
TextureImporter | 1006 |
Tilemap | 1839735485 |
TilemapCollider2D | 19719996 |
TilemapRenderer | 483693784 |
TimeManager | 5 |
TrailRenderer | 96 |
Transform | 4 |
Tree | 193 |
TrueTypeFontImporter | 1042 |
UnityConnectSettings | 310 |
Vector3f | 100005 |
VersionControlSettings | 890905787 |
VFXManager | 937362698 |
VFXRenderer | 73398921 |
VideoBuildInfo | 1521398425 |
VideoClip | 329 |
VideoClipImporter | 1127 |
VideoPlayer | 328 |
VisualEffect | 2083052967 |
VisualEffectAsset | 2058629509 |
VisualEffectImporter | 2058629510 |
VisualEffectObject | 2059678085 |
VisualEffectResource | 2058629511 |
VisualEffectSubgraph | 994735392 |
VisualEffectSubgraphBlock | 994735404 |
VisualEffectSubgraphOperator | 994735403 |
void | 100011 |
WebCamTexture | 158 |
WheelCollider | 146 |
WheelJoint2D | 235 |
WindZone | 182 |
Unused IDs: 7, 10, 12, 14 - 17, 22, 24, 26, 31 - 32, 34 - 40, 42, 44, 46, 51 - 52, 63, 67, 69, 71, 73, 76 - 77, 79 - 80, 85, 87 - 88, 92, 97, 99 - 101, 103, 105 - 107, 112 - 113, 125, 127, 131 - 133, 139 - 140, 148 - 149, 151, 155, 160 - 161, 163, 172 - 179, 189 - 190, 194, 197, 201 - 204, 209, 211, 216 - 217, 219, 239, 242, 260 - 270, 274 - 289, 291 - 299, 301 - 309, 311 - 318, 321 - 327, 332 - 362, 364 - 1000, 1004, 1009 - 1019, 1021 - 1025, 1027, 1033, 1036 - 1037, 1039, 1043 - 1044, 1046 - 1047, 1052 - 1054, 1056 - 1100, 1103 - 1104, 1106, 1114 - 1119, 1121 - 1123, 1128 - 99999, 100012 - 19719995, 19719997 - 41386429, 41386431 - 73398920, 73398922 - 156049353, 156049355 - 156483286, 156483288 - 171741747, 171741749 - 181963791, 181963793 - 285090593, 285090595 - 294290338, 294290340 - 369655925, 369655927 - 382020654, 382020656 - 387306365, 387306367 - 426301857, 426301859 - 468431734, 468431736 - 483693783, 483693785 - 612988285, 612988287 - 638013453, 638013455 - 641289075, 641289077 - 644342134, 644342136 - 662584277, 662584279 - 668709125, 668709127 - 687078894, 687078896 - 747330369, 747330371 - 815301075, 815301077 - 825902496, 825902498 - 850595690, 850595692 - 877146077, 877146079 - 890905786, 890905788 - 893571521, 893571523 - 895512358, 895512360 - 937362697, 937362699 - 947337229, 947337231 - 954905826, 954905828 - 994735391, 994735393 - 994735402, 994735405 - 1001480553, 1001480555 - 1027052790, 1027052792 - 1114811874, 1114811876 - 1152215462, 1152215464 - 1154873561, 1154873563 - 1183024398, 1183024400 - 1210832253, 1210832255 - 1223240403, 1223240405 - 1268269755, 1268269757 - 1325145577, 1325145579 - 1386491678, 1386491680 - 1403656974, 1403656976 - 1480428606, 1480428608 - 1521398424, 1521398426 - 1541671624, 1541671626 - 1542919677, 1542919679 - 1557264869, 1557264871 - 1597193335, 1597193337 - 1642787287, 1642787289 - 1660057538, 1660057540 - 1731078266, 1731078268 - 1736697215, 1736697217 - 1742807555, 1742807557 - 1766753192, 1766753194 - 1773428101, 1773428103 - 1777034229, 1777034231 - 1818360607, 1818360611 - 1839735484, 1839735486 - 1896753124, 1896753127 - 1903396203, 1903396205 - 1953259896, 1953259898 - 1971053206, 1971053208 - 2058629508, 2058629512 - 2059678084, 2059678086 - 2083052966, 2083052968 - 2083778818, 2083778820 - 2089858482, 2089858484 - 2103361452, 2103361454 - 2147483647
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