Version: 2023.2
Building and delivering for Android
Modify Gradle project files

Gradle templates

Gradle templates configure how to build an Android application using Gradle. Each Gradle template represents a single Gradle project. Gradle projects can include, and depend on, other Gradle projects.

Gradle template files

Gradle 模板包含以下文件:

File 所在地 包含
baseProjectTemplate.gradle 在导出的项目中,root/build.gradle 文件夹 Configuration information that affects all modules in the final Gradle project. It specifies which Android Gradle Plugin version to use and locations of java plugins. The locations are a combination of online repositories and java plugins inside of this project.
launcherTemplate.gradle In the exported project, root/launcher/build.gradle folder Instructions on how to build the Android application. This includes bundling, signing, and whether to split the apk. It depends on the unityLibrary project and outputs either an .apk file or an app bundle.
mainTemplate.gradle 在导出的项目中,root/unityLibrary/build.gradle 文件夹 Instructions on how to build Unity as a Library. This outputs an .aar file. You can override the Unity template with a custom template in the Unity Editor. Refer to the Providing a custom Gradle build template section on this page for more details.
libTemplate.gradle 因情况而异 If an Android Library Project plug-in doesn’t include a build.gradle file, Unity uses the libTemplate.gradle file as a template to generate one. After Unity generates the build.gradle file, or if one already exists in the plug-in’s directory, Unity copies the plug-in into the Gradle project.
settingsTemplate.gradle In the exported project, root/settings.gradle file Specifies the names of modules that the Gradle build system should include when it builds the project. You can override the Unity template with a custom template in the Unity Editor. Refer to the Providing a custom Gradle build template section on this page for more details. In the exported project, root/ file Configures the Gradle build system and specifies properties such as the size of the Java virtual machine (JVM) heap

To have more control over the Gradle project files that Unity produces, you can override Unity’s default Gradle template files. For information on how to do this, refer to Modify Gradle project files with Gradle template files.

Modifying the exported Gradle project using C#

To modify the Gradle project after Unity assembles it, create a class that implements the OnModifyAndroidProjectFiles method in the AndroidProjectFilesModifier abstract class. This method receives a C# object representing the Gradle project files. For more info about Android Project Configuration manager see Modify Gradle project files with Android Project Configuration Manager

Building and delivering for Android
Modify Gradle project files