

可以使用 Third Party Notices.mdLICENSE.md 文件来确保包符合任何法律要求。例如,下面是 Unity Timeline 包中的一个示例许可证文件:

Unity Timeline copyright © 2017-2019 Unity Technologies ApS

Licensed under the Unity Companion License for Unity-dependent projects--see [Unity Companion License](http://www.unity3d.com/legal/licenses/Unity_Companion_License).

Unless expressly provided otherwise, the Software under this license is made available strictly on an "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.Please review the license for details on these and other terms and conditions.


If your package has third-party elements, you can include the licenses in a Third Party Notices.md file. You can include a Component Name, License Type, Version Number, and Provide License Details section for each license you want to include. For example:

This package contains third-party software components governed by the license(s) indicated below:

Component Name: Semver

License Type: "MIT"

[SemVer License](https://github.com/myusername/semver/blob/master/License.txt)

Component Name: MyComponent

License Type: "MyLicense"

[MyComponent License](https://www.mycompany.com/licenses/License.txt)

Note: The URL in the Provide License Details section should point to a location that contains the reproduced license and the copyright information (if applicable). If the license governs a specific version of the component, give the URL of that version, if possible.

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  • 程序集定义和包