Introduction to collider types
Collider shapes

Interaction between collider types

This page describes which event functions Unity generates based on the configuration of each collider in a collision pair.

Collision generates collision detection messages

When a pair of colliders make contact, they generate collision detection messages if the following are both true:

  • There is at least one dynamic collider.
  • The other collider is a static collider, a kinematic collider, or another dynamic collider.

The following table describes each combination of collider types. A “Y” indicates a combination that can generate collision detection and collision messages.

Collision detection occurs and messages are sent upon collision
Static collider Dynamic collider Kinematic collider Static trigger collider Dynamic trigger collider Kinematic trigger collider
Static collider          
Dynamic collider      
Kinematic collider          
Static trigger collider            
Dynamic trigger collider            
Kinematic trigger collider            

Remember that Unity only applies physics forces to collider GameObjects that have a physics body (a Rigidbody or ArticulationBody). When a physics body collider collides with a static collider, only the physics body collider behavior changes as a result of the collision (for example, it might bounce or slow down as a result of the collision).

Collision generates trigger messages

Trigger messages occur in the following circumstances:

  • A dynamic or kinematic trigger collider collides with any collider type.
  • A static trigger collider collides with any dynamic or Kinematic collider.

The following table describes each combination of collider types. A “Y” indicates a combination that can generate trigger messages from any trigger collider in the pair.

Trigger messages are sent upon collision
Static collider Dynamic collider Kinematic collider Static trigger collider Dynamic trigger collider Kinematic trigger collider
Static collider        
Dynamic collider      
Kinematic collider      
Static trigger collider    
Dynamic trigger collider
Kinematic trigger collider

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Introduction to collider types
Collider shapes