width | ピクセル単位でのテクスチャの幅 |
height | ピクセル単位でのテクスチャの高さ |
depth | ピクセル単位でのテクスチャのデプス |
textureFormat | テクスチャデータフォーマット。 |
mipChain | Determines whether the texture has mipmaps or not. A value of 1 (true) means the texture does have mipmaps, and a value of 0 (false) means the texture doesn't have mipmaps. |
nativeTex | External native texture pointer to use. Defaults to generating its own internal native texture. |
mipCount | Amount of mipmaps to allocate for the texture. |
createUninitialized | Use this flag to create the texture with uninitialized data. When overriding all texels anyway, this can lead to improved performance and reduced memory usage. |
新規に空の 3D テクスチャを作成します
3D テクスチャは、幅、高さ、そして奥行を持った、ピクセルによる箱として考える事ができます。大きなテクスチャはメモリ消費も大きくなります。例えば、 TextureFormat.ARGB32 形式でミップマップを持たない 1024x512x256 サイズのテクスチャは、メモリを 512MB 消費します。
Note that this class does not support Texture3D creation with a Crunch compression TextureFormat.
Enable createUninitialized
to make the texture reference uninitialized data (both on the CPU and GPU). When overriding all texels, this can lead to improved performance and reduced memory usage during construction. Note that sampling an uninitialized texture gives unpredictable values.
See Also: SetPixel, SetPixels, SetPixels32, Apply functions.