Mesh Filter
Skinned Mesh Renderer

Mesh Renderer

The Mesh Renderer takes the geometry from the Mesh Filter and renders it at the position defined by the GameObject’s Transform component.

The Mesh Renderer GameObject Component as displayed in the Inspector window


Property: Función:
Light Probes Modo de interpolación de iluminación de Probe.
    Off: The Renderer doesn’t use any interpolated Light Probes.
    Blend Probes The Renderer uses one interpolated Light Probe. This is the default option.
    Use Proxy Volume The Renderer uses a 3D grid of interpolated Light Probes.
Reflection Probes Specifies how the GameObject is affected by reflections in the scene. You cannot disable this property in deferred rendering modes.
    Off Los Reflection probes son desactivados, skybox será utilizado para los reflejos.
    Blend Probes Reflection probes are enabled. Blending occurs only between probes, useful in indoor environments. The renderer will use default reflection if there are no reflection probes nearby, but no blending between default reflection and probe will occur.
    Blend Probes and Skybox Reflection probes are enabled. Blending occurs between probes or probes and default reflection, useful for outdoor environments.
    Simple Los reflection probes son habilitados, pero ningún blending va a ocurrir entre probes cuando haya volúmenes superponiéndose.
Anchor Override A Transform used to determine the interpolation position when the Light Probe or Reflection Probe systems are used.
Cast Shadows
    On The Mesh will cast a shadow when a shadow-casting Light shines on it
    Off The Mesh will not cast shadows
    Two Sided Two sided shadows are cast from either side of the Mesh. Two sided shadows are not supported by Enlighten or Progressive Lightmapper.
    Shadows Only Shadows from the Mesh will be visible, but not the Mesh itself
Receive Shadows Enable this check box to make the Mesh display any shadows that are cast upon it. Review Shadows is only supported when using Progressive Lightmapper
Motion Vectors If enabled, the line has motion vectors rendered into the Camera motion vector Texture. See Renderer.motionVectorGenerationMode in the Scripting API reference documentation to learn more.
Lightmap Static Enable this check box to indicate to Unity that the GameObject’s location is fixed and it will participate in Global Illumination computations. If an GameObject is not marked as Lightmap Static then it can still be lit using Light Probes.
Materials Una lista de Materials para renderizar el modelo.
Dynamic Occluded Enable this check box to indicate to Unity that occlusion culling should be performed for this GameObject even if it is not marked as static.

Tick the lightmap static checkbox to display MeshRenderer Lightmap information in the Inspector(see also the static checkbox of the GameObject).

UV Charting Control

Property: Función:
Optimize Realtime Uvs Specifies whether the authored Mesh UVs are optimized for Realtime Global Illumination or not. When enabled, the authored UVs are merged, scaled and packed for optimisation purposes.
When disabled, the authored UVs will be scaled and packed, but not merged.
Note that the optimization will sometimes make misjudgements about discontinuities in the original UV mapping. For example, an intentionally sharp edge may be misinterpreted as a continuous surface.
Max Distance Specifies the maximum worldspace distance to be used for UV chart simplification. If charts are within this distance they will be simplified.
Max Angle Specifies the maximum angle in degrees between faces sharing a UV edge. If the angle between the faces is below this value, the UV charts will be simplified.
Ignore normal Check this box to prevent the UV charts from being split during the precompute process for Realtime Global Illumination lighting.
Min chart size Specifies the minimum texel size used for a UV chart. If stitching is required a value of 4 will create a chart of 4x4 texels to store lighting and directionality. If stitching is not required, a value of 2 will reduce the texel density and provide better lighting build times and game performance.

Lightmap settings

Property: Función:
Scale in Lightmap This value specifies the relative size of the GameObject’s UVs within a lightmap. A value of 0 will result in the GameObject not being lightmapped, but it will still contribute to lighting other GameObjects in the scene. A value greater than 1.0 increases the number of pixels (ie, the lightmap resolution) used for this GameObject while a value less than 1.0 decreases it. You can use this property to optimise lightmaps so that important and detailed areas are more accurately lit. For example: an isolated building with flat, dark walls will use a low lightmap scale (less than 1.0) while a collection of colourful motorcycles displayed close together warrant a high scale value.
Prioritize illumination Check this box to tell Unity to always include this GameObject in lighting calculations. Useful for GameObjects that are strongly emissive to make sure that other GameObjects will be illuminated by this GameObject.
Lightmap Parameters Allows you to choose or create a set of Lightmap Parameters for the this GameObject.


Los meshes importados de los paquetes 3D pueden utilizar varios Materials. Todos los materiales utilizados por un Mesh Renderer se encuentran en la lista de Materials. Cada sub-mesh utiliza un material de la lista de materiales. Si hay más materiales asignados al Mesh Renderer que sub-meshes en el mesh, el primer sub-mesh se representa con cada uno de los materiales restantes, uno encima del siguiente. Esto le permite configurar el renderizado multi-pass en ese sub-Mesh - pero tenga en cuenta que esto puede afectar el rendimiento en tiempo de ejecución. También tenga en cuenta que los materiales totalmente opacos, simplemente sobrescriben las capas anteriores, causando una disminución en el rendimiento sin ninguna ventaja.

Una mesh puede recibir luz del sistema Light Probe y reflexiones del sistema Reflection Probe dependiendo de los ajustes de las opciones Use Light Probes y Use Reflection Probes. Para ambos tipos de un probe, se utiliza un punto único como interpolación del probe de posición nocional del mesh. De forma predeterminada, este es el centro del bounding box (caja delimitante) del mesh, pero puede cambiarlo arrastrando un Transform a la propiedad Anchor Override (el Anchor Override afecta a ambos tipos de probe).

It may be useful to set the anchor in cases where a GameObject contains two adjoining Meshes; since each Mesh has a separate bounding box, the two are lit discontinuously at the join by default. However, if you set both Meshes to use the same anchor point, then they are consistently lit. By default, a probe-lit Renderer receives lighting from a single Light Probe that is interpolated from the surrounding Light Probes in the Scene. Because of this, GameObjects have constant ambient lighting across the surface. It has a rotational gradient because it is using spherical harmonics, but it lacks a spatial gradient. This is more noticeable on larger GameObjects or Particle Systems. The lighting across the GameObject matches the lighting at the anchor point, and if the GameObject straddles a lighting gradient, parts of the GameObject look incorrect.

Para aliviar este comportamiento, configure la propiedad Light Probes en Use Proxy Volume, con un componente adicional Light Probe Proxy Volume. Esto genera una cuadrícula 3D de Light Probes interpolados dentro de un volumen delimitador donde la resolución de la cuadrícula puede ser especificada por el usuario. Los coeficientes de armónicos esféricos de los Light Probes se actualizan en texturas 3D, que se muestrean en el tiempo de renderizado para calcular la contribución a la iluminación ambiental difusa. Esto agrega un gradiente espacial a los GameObjects iluminados con probes.

  • 2018–09–21 Page amended with limited editorial review

  • Updated supported lighting backends for Two Sided shadows and Recieve shadows.

  • Mesh Renderer UI updated in 5.6

Mesh Filter
Skinned Mesh Renderer