Ajustes de calidad (Quality Settings)
Ajustes del Orden de Ejecución de Scripts(Script Execution Order Settings)

Graphics Settings

Scriptable RenderLoop settings

This is an experimental setting which allows you to define a series of commands to control exactly how the Scene should be rendered (instead of using the default rendering pipeline used by Unity). For more information on this experimental feature, see the Scriptable Render Pipeline documentation on GitHub.

Camera settings

These properties control various rendering settings.

Configuración: Descripción (Description):
Transparancy Sort Mode Renderers in Unity are sorted by several criteria such as their layer number, or their distance from camera. Transparency Sort Mode adds the ability to order renderable objects by their distance along a specific axis. This is generally only useful in 2D development; for example, sorting Sprites by height or along the Y axis.
Default Sorts objects based on the Camera mode.
Perspective Sorts objects based on perspective view.
Orthographic Sorts objects based on orthographic view.
Transparancy Sort Axis Use this to set a custom Transparency Sort Mode.

Tier settings

Tier Settings as displayed in the PlayerSettings Inspector window
Tier Settings as displayed in the PlayerSettings Inspector window

These settings allow you to make platform-specific adjustments to rendering and shader compilation, by tweaking builtin defines. For example, you can use this to enable Cascaded Shadows on high-tier iOS devices, but to disable them on low-tier devices to improve performance. Tiers are defined by Rendering.GraphicsTier.

Property:: Función:
Standard Shader Quality Allows you to select Standard Shader Quality.
Reflection Probes Box Projection Allows you to specify whether Reflection Probes Box Projection should be used.
Reflection Probes Blending Allows you to specify whether Reflection Probes Blending should be enabled.
Detail Normal Map Allows you to specify whether Detail Normal Map should be sampled if assigned.
Enable Semitransparent Shadows Allows you to specify whether Semitransparent Shadows should be enabled.
Cascaded Shadows Allows you to specify whether cascaded shadow maps should be used.
Use HDR Setting this field to true enables HDR rendering for this tier. Setting it to false disables HDR rendering for this tier. See Also: High Dynamic Range rendering
HDR Mode The CameraHDRMode to use for this tier.
Rendering Path The rendering path that should be used.

Configuraciones integradas del Shader

Use these settings to specify which shader is used to do lighting pass calculations in each rendering path listed.

Shader: Calculation:
Deferred Used when using Deferred lighting, see [Camera: Rendering Path)(class-Camera)
Deferred Reflection Used when using Deferred reflection (ie reflection probes) along deferred lighting, see [Camera: Rendering Path)(class-Camera_)
Screen Space shadows Used when using screen space shadow.
Legacy deferred Used when using Legacy deferred lighting, see [Camera: Rendering Path)(class-Camera).
Motion vectors Used when using Legacy deferred lighting, see MeshRenderer::Motion Vectors.
Lens Flare Used when using Lens Flares, see Flare.
Light Halo Used when using Light Halos, see Halo.
Configuración: Descripción (Description):
Built-in shader (Valor predeterminado) Utilice los shaders integrados de Unity para hacer el calculo.
Custom shader Utilice su propio shader compatible para que haga el cálculo. Esto le habilita a usted la personalización profunda de deferred rendering.
No Support Desactive este cálculo. Utilice este ajuste si usted no está utilizando deferred shading o lighting. Esto le ahorrará espacio en los archivos de datos del juego construido.

Shaders siempre incluidos

Especifique una lista de Shaders que siempre se almacenarán junto con el proyecto, aunque nada en sus escenas los use realmente. Es importante agregar shaders usados por AssetBundles en streaming a esta lista para asegurarse de que se puede acceder a ello

Shader stripping - Lightmap modes and Fog modes

Baje su tamaño de datos de construcción y mejore los tiempos de carga eliminando ciertos shaders involucrados con la iluminación y la niebla.

Configuración: Descripción:
Automatic (Valor predeterminado) Unity examina sus escenas y configuraciones de lightmapping para determinar qué modos de niebla y lightmapping no están en uso y omite las shader variants correspondientes.
Manual Specify which modes to use yourself. Select this if you are building asset bundles or changing fog modes from a script at runtime, to ensure that the modes you want to use are included.

Shader stripping - Instancing variants

Configuración: Descripción:
Strip Unused (Default value) When a project is built, Unity only includes instancing shader variants if at least one material referencing the shader has the “Enable instancing” checkbox ticked. Unity strips any shaders that are not referenced by materials with the “Enable instancing” checkbox ticked.
Strip All Strip all instancing shader variants, even if they are being used.
Keep All Keep all instancing shader variants, even if they are not being used.

See GPU instancing for more information about Instancing variants.

Shader preloading

Specify a list of shader variant collection assets to preload while loading the game. Shader variants specified in this list are loaded during entire lifetime of the application. Use it for preloading very frequently used shaders. See Optimizing Shader Load Time page for details.

Mirar también

  • 17–05–08 Page amended with limited editorial review
  • Updated Tier Setting description
  • New features added in 5.6
Ajustes de calidad (Quality Settings)
Ajustes del Orden de Ejecución de Scripts(Script Execution Order Settings)