Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Language: English
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public static function CloseConnection(target: NetworkPlayer, sendDisconnectionNotification: bool): void;



Close the connection to another system.

target defines which system to close the connection to. If we are a client the only possible connection to close is the server connection, if we are a server the target player will be kicked off. sendDisconnectionNotification, enables or disables notifications being sent to the other end. If disabled the connection is dropped, if not a disconnect notification is reliably sent to the remote party and there after the connection is dropped.

	function OnGUI() {
		if (GUILayout.Button ("Disconnect from server")) {
			if (Network.connections.Length == 1) {
				Debug.Log("Disconnecting: "+
				Network.CloseConnection(Network.connections[0], true);
			} else if (Network.connections.Length == 0)
				Debug.Log("No one is connected");
			else if (Network.connections.Length > 1)
				Debug.Log("Too many connections. Are we running a server?");
		if (GUILayout.Button ("Disconnect first player")) {
			if (Network.connections.Length > 0) {
				Debug.Log("Disconnecting: "+
				Network.CloseConnection(Network.connections[0], true);