Disposable helper class for managing BeginVertical / EndVertical.
This is an extension to GUILayout.VerticalScope. It can be used for making compound controls
Vertical Compound group.
#pragma strict // Create a Vertical Compound Button class VerticalScopeExample extends EditorWindow { @MenuItem("Examples/Vertical scope usage") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow.<VerticalScopeExample>(); window.Show(); } function OnGUI() { var v = new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope("Button"); { if (GUI.Button(v.rect, GUIContent.none)) Debug.Log("Go here"); GUILayout.Label("I'm inside the button"); GUILayout.Label("So am I"); } } }
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
// Create a Vertical Compound Button class VerticalScopeExample : EditorWindow {
[MenuItem("Examples/Vertical scope usage")] static void Init() { var window = GetWindow<VerticalScopeExample>(); window.Show(); } void OnGUI() { using (var v = new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope ("Button")) { if (GUI.Button (v.rect, GUIContent.none)) Debug.Log ("Go here"); GUILayout.Label ("I'm inside the button"); GUILayout.Label ("So am I"); } } }
rect | The rect of the vertical group. |
EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope | Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group. |