Namespace: UnityEditor.VersionControl
This class provides acces to the version control API.
activeTask | Gets the currently executing task. |
enabled | Returns true if the version control provider is enabled and a valid Unity Pro License was found. |
isActive | Returns true if a version control plugin has been selected and configured correctly. |
offlineReason | Returns the reason for the version control provider being offline (if it is offline). |
onlineState | Returns the OnlineState of the version control provider. |
requiresNetwork | This is true if a network connection is required by the currently selected version control plugin to perform any action. |
Add | Adds an assets or list of assets to version control. |
AddIsValid | Given a list of assets this function returns true if Add is a valid task to perform. |
ChangeSetDescription | Given a changeset only containing the changeset ID, this will start a task for quering the description of the changeset. |
ChangeSetMove | Move an asset or list of assets from their current changeset to a new changeset. |
ChangeSets | Get a list of pending changesets owned by the current user. |
ChangeSetStatus | Retrieves the list of assets belonging to a changeset. |
Checkout | Checkout an asset or list of asset from the version control system. |
CheckoutIsValid | Given an asset or a list of assets this function returns true if Checkout is a valid task to perform. |
ClearCache | This will invalidate the cached state information for all assets. |
Delete | This will statt a task for deleting an asset or assets both from disk and from version control system. |
DeleteChangeSets | Starts a task that will attempt to delete the given changeset. |
DeleteChangeSetsIsValid | Test if deleting a changeset is a valid task to perform. |
DiffHead | Starts a task for showing a diff of the given assest versus their head revision. |
DiffIsValid | Return true is starting a Diff task is a valid operation. |
GetActiveConfigFields | Returns the configuration fields for the currently active version control plugin. |
GetActivePlugin | Gets the currently user selected verson control plugin. |
GetAssetByGUID | Returns version control information about an asset. |
GetAssetByPath | Returns version control information about an asset. |
GetAssetListFromSelection | Return version control information about the currently selected assets. |
GetLatest | Start a task for getting the latest version of an asset from the version control server. |
GetLatestIsValid | Returns true if getting the latest version of an asset is a valid operation. |
Incoming | Start a task for quering the version control server for incoming changes. |
IncomingChangeSetAssets | Given an incoming changeset this will start a task to query the version control server for which assets are part of the changeset. |
IsOpenForEdit | Returns true if an asset can be edited. |
Lock | Attempt to lock an asset for exclusive editing. |
LockIsValid | Return true if the task can be executed. |
Merge | This method will initiate a merge task handle merging of the conflicting assets. |
Move | Uses the version control plugin to move an asset from one path to another. |
Resolve | Start a task that will resolve conflicting assets in version control. |
ResolveIsValid | Tests if any of the assets in the list is resolvable. |
Revert | Reverts the specified assets by undoing any changes done since last time you synced. |
RevertIsValid | Return true if Revert is a valid task to perform. |
Status | Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system. |
Submit | Start a task that submits the assets to version control. |
SubmitIsValid | Returns true if submitting the assets is a valid operation. |
UnlockIsValid | Returns true if locking the assets is a valid operation. |
UpdateSettings | Start a task that sends the version control settings to the version control system. |