Namespace: UnityEditor
Lets you register undo operations on specific objects you are about to perform changes on.
The Undo system stores delta changes in the undo stack.
Undo operations are automatically combined together based on events, e.g. mouse down events will split undo groups. Grouped undo operations will appear and work as a single undo. To control grouping manually use Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup.
By default, the name shown in the UI will be selected from the actions belonging to the group using a hardcoded ordering of the different kinds of actions. To manually set the name, use Undo.SetCurrentGroupName.
Undo operations store either per property or per object state. This way they scale well with any scene size.
The most important operations are outlined below.
Modifying a single property:
Undo.RecordObject (myGameObject.transform, "Zero Transform Position"); myGameObject.transform.position =;
Adding a component :
Undo.AddComponent<RigidBody> (myGameObject);
Creating a new game object:
var go = new GameObject (); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (go, "Created go");
Destroying a game object or component:
Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate (myGameObject);
Changing transform parenting:
Undo.SetTransformParent (myGameObject.transform, newTransformParent);
undoRedoPerformed | Callback that is triggered after an undo or redo was executed. |
willFlushUndoRecord | Invoked before the Undo system performs a flush. |
ClearUndo | Removes all Undo operation for the identifier object registered using Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo from the undo stack. |
CollapseUndoOperations | Collapses all undo operation up to group index together into one step. |
DestroyObjectImmediate | Destroys the object and records an undo operation so that it can be recreated. |
FlushUndoRecordObjects | Ensure objects recorded using RecordObject or ::ref:RecordObjects are registered as an undoable action. In most cases there is no reason to invoke FlushUndoRecordObjects since it's automatically done right after mouse-up and certain other events that conventionally marks the end of an action. |
GetCurrentGroup | Unity automatically groups undo operations by the current group index. |
GetCurrentGroupName | Get the name that will be shown in the UI for the current undo group. |
IncrementCurrentGroup | Unity automatically groups undo operations by the current group index. |
PerformRedo | Perform an Redo operation. |
PerformUndo | Perform an Undo operation. |
RecordObject | Records any changes done on the object after the RecordObject function. |
RecordObjects | Records multiple undoable objects in a single call. This is the same as calling Undo.RecordObject multiple times. |
RegisterCreatedObjectUndo | Register an undo operations for a newly created object. |
RevertAllDownToGroup | Performs all undo operations up to the group index without storing a redo operation in the process. |
RevertAllInCurrentGroup | Performs the last undo operation but does not record a redo operation. |
SetCurrentGroupName | Set the name of the current undo group. |
SetTransformParent | Sets the parent of transform to the new parent and records an undo operation. |
UndoRedoCallback | Delegate used for undoRedoPerformed. |
WillFlushUndoRecord | Delegate used for willFlushUndoRecord. |