addCollider | Add mesh colliders to imported meshes. |
animationCompression | Animation compression setting. |
animationPositionError | Allowed error of animation position compression. |
animationRotationError | Allowed error of animation rotation compression. |
animationScaleError | Allowed error of animation scale compression. |
animationType | Animator generation mode. |
animationWrapMode | The default wrap mode for the generated animation clips. |
bakeIK | Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) when importing. |
clipAnimations | Animation clips to split animation into. |
defaultClipAnimations | Generate a list of all default animation clip based on TakeInfo. |
extraExposedTransformPaths | Animation optimization setting. |
fileScale | File scale factor (if available) or default one. (Read-only). |
generateAnimations | Animation generation options. |
generateSecondaryUV | Generate secondary UV set for lightmapping. |
globalScale | Global scale factor for importing. |
humanDescription | The human description that is used to generate an Avatar during the import process. |
importAnimation | Import animation from file. |
importBlendShapes | Controls import of BlendShapes. |
importedTakeInfos | Generates the list of all imported take. |
importMaterials | Import materials from file. |
isBakeIKSupported | Is Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) supported by this importer. |
isFileScaleUsed | Is FileScale was used when importing. |
isReadable | Are mesh vertices and indices accessible from script? |
isTangentImportSupported | Is import of tangents supported by this importer. |
isUseFileUnitsSupported | Is useFileUnits supported for this asset. |
materialName | Material naming setting. |
materialSearch | Existing material search setting. |
meshCompression | Mesh compression setting. |
motionNodeName | The path of the transform used to generation the motion of the animation. |
normalImportMode | Normals import mode. |
normalSmoothingAngle | Smoothing angle for calculating normals. |
optimizeGameObjects | Animation optimization setting. |
optimizeMesh | Vertex optimization setting. |
referencedClips | Generates the list of all imported Animations. |
secondaryUVAngleDistortion | Threshold for angle distortion when generating secondary UV. |
secondaryUVAreaDistortion | Threshold for area distortion when generating secondary UV. |
secondaryUVHardAngle | Hard angle for generating secondary UV. |
secondaryUVPackMargin | Margin to be left between charts when packing secondary UV. |
sourceAvatar | Imports the HumanDescription from the given Avatar. |
splitTangentsAcrossSeams | Should tangents be split across UV seams. |
swapUVChannels | Swap primary and secondary UV channels when importing. |
tangentImportMode | Tangents import mode. |
transformPaths | Generates the list of all imported Transforms. |
useFileUnits | Detect file units and import as 1FileUnit=1UnityUnit, otherwise it will import as 1cm=1UnityUnit. |