Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Language: English
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Namespace: UnityEngine

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Gradient used for animating colors.

See Also: GradientColorKey, GradientAlphaKey.

function Start () {
    var g : Gradient;
    var gck : GradientColorKey[];
    var gak : GradientAlphaKey[];

g = new Gradient();

// Populate the color keys at the relative time 0 and 1 (0 and 100%) gck = new GradientColorKey[2]; gck[0].color = Color.red; gck[0].time = 0.0f; gck[1].color = Color.blue; gck[1].time = 1.0f;

// Populate the alpha keys at relative time 0 and 1 (0 and 100%) gak = new GradientAlphaKey[2]; gak[0].alpha = 1.0f; gak[0].time = 0.0f; gak[1].alpha = 0.0f; gak[1].time = 1.0f;

g.SetKeys(gck, gak); // What's the color at the relative time 0.25 (25 %) ? Debug.Log(g.Evaluate(0.25f)); }

Note that the alpha and colors keys will be automatically sorted by time value and that it is ensured to always have a minimum of 2 color keys and 2 alpha keys.


alphaKeysAll alpha keys defined in the gradient.
colorKeysAll color keys defined in the gradient.


GradientCreate a new Gradient object.

Public Functions

EvaluateCalculate color at a given time.
SetKeysSetup Gradient with an array of color keys and alpha keys.