The wheel joint allows the simulation of wheels by providing a constraining suspension motion with an optional motor.
See Also: JointSuspension2D.
jointSpeed | The current joint speed. |
jointTranslation | The current joint translation. |
motor | Parameters for a motor force that is applied automatically to the Rigibody2D along the line. |
suspension | Set the joint suspension configuration. |
useMotor | Should a motor force be applied automatically to the Rigidbody2D? |
GetMotorTorque | Gets the motor torque of the joint given the specified timestep. |
anchor | The joint's anchor point on the object that has the joint component. |
connectedAnchor | The joint's anchor point on the second object (ie, the one which doesn't have the joint component). |
enabled | Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not. |
isActiveAndEnabled | Has the Behaviour had enabled called. |
gameObject | The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object. |
tag | The tag of this game object. |
transform | The Transform attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). |
connectedBody | The Rigidbody2D object to which the other end of the joint is attached (ie, the object without the joint component). |
enableCollision | Should rigid bodies connected with this joint collide? |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | The name of the object. |
BroadcastMessage | Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. |
CompareTag | Is this game object tagged with tag ? |
GetComponent | Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. |
GetComponentInChildren | Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. |
GetComponentInParent | Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. |
GetComponents | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. |
GetComponentsInChildren | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. |
GetComponentsInParent | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. |
SendMessage | Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. |
SendMessageUpwards | Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. |
GetInstanceID | Returns the instance id of the object. |
ToString | Returns the name of the game object. |
Destroy | Removes a gameobject, component or asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Makes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | Clones the object original and returns the clone. |
bool | Does the object exist? |
operator != | Compares if two objects refer to a different object. |
operator == | Compares if two objects refer to the same. |