Common GUIStyles used for EditorGUI controls.
boldFont | Bold font. |
boldLabel | Style for bold label. |
centeredGreyMiniLabel | Style for label with small font which is centered and grey. |
colorField | Style used for headings for Color fields. |
foldout | Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Foldout. |
foldoutHeader | Style used for headings for EditorGUILayout.BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup. |
foldoutHeaderIcon | Style used for icon for EditorGUILayout.BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup. |
foldoutPreDrop | Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Foldout. |
helpBox | Style used for background box for EditorGUI.HelpBox. |
inspectorDefaultMargins | Wrap content in a vertical group with this style to get the default margins used in the Inspector. |
inspectorFullWidthMargins | Wrap content in a vertical group with this style to get full width margins in the Inspector. |
label | Style used for the labelled on all EditorGUI overloads that take a prefix label. |
largeLabel | Style for label with large font. |
layerMaskField | Style used for headings for Layer masks. |
linkLabel | Style used for links. |
miniBoldFont | Mini Bold font. |
miniBoldLabel | Style for mini bold label. |
miniButton | Style used for a standalone small button. |
miniButtonLeft | Style used for the leftmost button in a horizontal button group. |
miniButtonMid | Style used for the middle buttons in a horizontal group. |
miniButtonRight | Style used for the rightmost button in a horizontal group. |
miniFont | Mini font. |
miniLabel | Style for label with small font. |
miniPullDown | Style used for the drop-down controls. |
miniTextField | Smaller text field. |
numberField | Style used for field editors for numbers. |
objectField | Style used for headings for object fields. |
objectFieldMiniThumb | Style used for object fields that have a thumbnail (e.g Textures). |
objectFieldThumb | Style used for headings for the Select button in object fields. |
popup | Style used for EditorGUI.Popup, EditorGUI.EnumPopup,. |
radioButton | Style used for a radio button. |
standardFont | Standard font. |
textArea | Style used for EditorGUI.TextArea. |
textField | Style used for EditorGUI.TextField. |
toggle | Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Toggle. |
toggleGroup | Style used for headings for EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup. |
toolbar | Toolbar background from top of windows. |
toolbarButton | Style for Button and Toggles in toolbars. |
toolbarDropDown | Toolbar Dropdown. |
toolbarPopup | Toolbar Popup. |
toolbarSearchField | Toolbar search field. |
toolbarTextField | Toolbar text field. |
whiteBoldLabel | Style for white bold label. |
whiteLabel | Style for white label. |
whiteLargeLabel | Style for white large label. |
whiteMiniLabel | Style for white mini label. |
wordWrappedLabel | Style for word wrapped label. |
wordWrappedMiniLabel | Style for word wrapped mini label. |
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