Version: 2021.1
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEngine

매뉴얼로 전환


Class containing methods to ease debugging while developing a game.

정적 변수

developerConsoleVisibleReports whether the development console is visible. The development console cannot be made to appear using:
isDebugBuildIn the Build Settings dialog there is a check box called "Development Build".
unityLoggerGet default debug logger.

정적 함수

AssertAssert a condition and logs an error message to the Unity console on failure.
AssertFormatAssert a condition and logs a formatted error message to the Unity console on failure.
BreakPauses the editor.
ClearDeveloperConsoleClears errors from the developer console.
DrawLineDraws a line between specified start and end points.
DrawRayDraws a line from start to start + dir in world coordinates.
ExtractStackTraceNoAllocPopulate an unmanaged buffer with the current managed call stack as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes, without allocating GC memory. Returns the number of bytes written into the buffer.
LogLogs a message to the Unity Console.
LogAssertionA variant of Debug.Log that logs an assertion message to the console.
LogAssertionFormatLogs a formatted assertion message to the Unity console.
LogErrorA variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console.
LogErrorFormatLogs a formatted error message to the Unity console.
LogExceptionA variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message from an exception to the console.
LogFormatLogs a formatted message to the Unity Console.
LogWarningA variant of Debug.Log that logs a warning message to the console.
LogWarningFormatLogs a formatted warning message to the Unity Console.