
class in UnityEngine

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Gizmos are used to give visual debugging or setup aids in the Scene view.

All gizmo drawing has to be done in either OnDrawGizmos or OnDrawGizmosSelected functions of the script.
OnDrawGizmos is called every frame. All gizmos rendered within OnDrawGizmos are pickable. OnDrawGizmosSelected is called only if the object the script is attached to is selected.

Variables Estáticas

colorDefine el color para los gizmos que serán dibujados luego.
exposureSet a texture that contains the exposure correction for LightProbe gizmos. The value is sampled from the red channel in the middle of the texture.
matrixSets the Matrix4x4 that the Unity Editor uses to draw Gizmos.

Funciones Estáticas

DrawCubeDibuja una caja sólida center y size.
DrawFrustumDibuja un frustum de la cámara utilizando el Gizmos.matrix actualmente establecido para su ubicación y rotación.
DrawGUITextureDraw a texture in the Scene.
DrawIconDraw an icon at a position in the Scene view.
DrawLinePinta una línea comenzando en from hacia to.
DrawMeshDibuja un mesh.
DrawRayDibuja un rayo empezando from a from + direction.
DrawSphereDibuja una esfera sólida con center y radius.
DrawWireCubeDibuja una caja wireframe con center y size.
DrawWireMeshDibuja un wireframe mesh.
DrawWireSphereDibuja una esfera wireframe (alambre) con center y radius.