

剪影是一个蒙版,您可以将其放置在光源上,以创建具有特定形状或颜色的阴影,从而改变光源的外观和强度。Cookie 是一种模拟复杂光照效果的有效方式,对运行时性能的影响微乎其微。您可以使用剪影模拟的效果包括焦散、柔和阴影和光源形状。

要将剪影应用到 Unity 中的光源,请为 Light 组件Cookie 字段指定一个纹理。



有关 Unity 中各种可用的渲染管线的更多信息,请参阅渲染管线

Built-in Render Pipeline

The Built-in Render Pipeline supports cookies for Enlighten Realtime Lights, and for Baked Lights and Mixed Lights when you use the Progressive Lightmapper. Realtime Global Illumination only provides indirect light. If your game only uses real-time lights, your render pipeline provides your direct lighting and Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination provides the indirect lighting. The Built In Render pipeline supports cookies for the direct lighting it provides, but Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination does not support cookies for the indirect lighting it provides. For this reason, direct lighting takes cookies into account while indirect lighting does not. In the Built-in Render Pipeline, cookies only use data from the alpha channel. This means that you can define a shape for a cookie, but not a color. For more information on cookies in the Built-in Render Pipeline, see Creating cookies for the Built-in Render Pipeline and Texture Type: Cookie."

Universal Render Pipeline (URP)

URP supports cookies for Realtime Lights, and for Baked Lights and Mixed Lights when you use the Progressive Lightmapper. In URP, cookies use data from the RGB channels. As a result, you can define a shape and a color for a cookie.

For more information on cookies in URP, see the URP Light component reference.

High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP)

HDRP supports cookies for Realtime Lights, and for Baked Lights and Mixed Lights when you use the Progressive Lightmapper. In HDRP, cookies use data from the RGB channels. As a result, you can define a shape and a color for a cookie.

For more information on cookies in HDRP, see High Definition Render Pipeline/Built-in Render Pipeline comparison, Lights in the High Definition Render Pipeline and the HDRP Asset.


对于在 Unity 2020.1 或更高版本中创建的项目,默认在渐进光照贴图中为烘焙光源和混合光源启用烘焙剪影。对于在 Unity 2020.1 之前中创建的项目,默认在渐进光照贴图中为烘焙光源和混合光源禁用烘焙剪影。这是为了提供向后兼容。

您可以在 Editor settings 窗口中切换是否在渐进光照贴图中为烘焙光源和混合光源启用剪影。

  1. 打开 Project Settings 窗口 (Edit > Project Settings)。
  2. 选择 Editor 打开编辑器设置。
  3. 导航到 Graphics 部分。
  4. 切换 Enable baked cookies support


  • 对烘焙光源剪影的支持添加于 2020.1 NewIn20201

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