Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


interface in UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements



此类型允许在 VisualElement 实例化期间检索 UXML 属性值。将向 factory 方法提供一个实例 - 请参阅 UXMLFactoryAttribute。


GetPropertyBoolReturn the value of an attribute as a bool, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.
GetPropertyColorReturn the value of an attribute as a Color, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.
GetPropertyDoubleReturn the value of an attribute as a double, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.
GetPropertyEnumReturn the value of an attribute as a T, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.
GetPropertyFloatReturn the value of an attribute as a float, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.
GetPropertyIntReturn the value of an attribute as an int, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.
GetPropertyLongReturn the value of an attribute as a long, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.
GetPropertyStringReturn the value of an attribute as a string, or the defaultValue if the property is not found.