场景视图中的 ArcHandle。\
该类允许您显示用于编辑圆弧角度和半径的控制手柄。圆弧源自 Vector3.forward,乘以 radius 并围绕 Vector3.up 旋转。由该类的 DrawHandle 方法渲染的手柄受 Handles 类(例如 Handles.matrix 和 Handles.color)中的全局状态影响。\
using UnityEngine;
public class ProjectileExample : MonoBehaviour { public float elevationAngle { get { return m_ElevationAngle; } set { m_ElevationAngle = value; } } [SerializeField] float m_ElevationAngle = 45f;
public float impulse { get { return m_Impulse; } set { m_Impulse = value; } } [SerializeField] float m_Impulse = 20f;
public Vector3 facingDirection { get { Vector3 result = transform.forward; result.y = 0f; return result.sqrMagnitude == 0f ? Vector3.forward : result.normalized; } }
protected virtual void Start() { GameObject ball = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
Vector3 direction = facingDirection; direction = Quaternion.AngleAxis(elevationAngle, Vector3.Cross(direction, Vector3.up)) * direction; ball.AddComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(direction * impulse, ForceMode.Impulse); } }
using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEngine;
[CustomEditor(typeof(ProjectileExample))] public class ProjectileExampleEditor : Editor { ArcHandle m_ArcHandle = new ArcHandle();
protected virtual void OnEnable() { // arc handle has no radius handle by default m_ArcHandle.SetColorWithRadiusHandle(Color.white, 0.1f); }
// the OnSceneGUI callback uses the scene view camera for drawing handles by default protected virtual void OnSceneGUI() { ProjectileExample projectileExample = (ProjectileExample)target;
// copy the target object's data to the handle m_ArcHandle.angle = projectileExample.elevationAngle; m_ArcHandle.radius = projectileExample.impulse;
// set the handle matrix so that angle extends upward from target's facing direction along ground Vector3 handleDirection = projectileExample.facingDirection; Vector3 handleNormal = Vector3.Cross(handleDirection, Vector3.up); Matrix4x4 handleMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS( projectileExample.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(handleDirection, handleNormal), Vector3.one );
using (new Handles.DrawingScope(handleMatrix)) { // draw the handle EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_ArcHandle.DrawHandle(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { // record the target object before setting new values so changes can be undone/redone Undo.RecordObject(projectileExample, "Change Projectile Properties");
// copy the handle's updated data back to the target object projectileExample.elevationAngle = m_ArcHandle.angle; projectileExample.impulse = m_ArcHandle.radius; } } } }
angle | 返回或指定手柄圆弧的角度。 |
angleHandleColor | 返回或指定角度控制手柄的颜色。 |
angleHandleDrawFunction | 要在显示角度控制手柄时使用的 CapFunction。 |
angleHandleSizeFunction | 用于指定角度控制手柄应该多大的 SizeFunction。 |
fillColor | 返回或指定圆弧形状的颜色。 |
radius | 返回或指定手柄圆弧的半径。 |
radiusHandleColor | 返回或指定半径控制手柄的颜色。 |
radiusHandleDrawFunction | 要在显示半径控制手柄时使用的 CapFunction。 |
radiusHandleSizeFunction | 用于指定角度控制手柄应该多大的 SizeFunction。 |
wireframeColor | 返回或指定沿圆弧外侧曲线的颜色。 |
ArcHandle | 创建 ArcHandle 类的新实例。 |
DrawHandle | 使用实例的当前配置在当前手柄摄像机中显示此实例的函数。 |
SetColorWithoutRadiusHandle | 将 angleHandleColor、wireframeColor 和 fillColor 设置为相同的值,其中 fillColor 将具有指定的 Alpha 值。radiusHandleColor 将被设置为 Color.clear,且半径手柄将被禁用。 |
SetColorWithRadiusHandle | 将 angleHandleColor、radiusHandleColor、wireframeColor 和 fillColor 设置为相同的值,其中 fillColor 将具有指定的 Alpha 值。 |
DefaultAngleHandleDrawFunction | 可绘制一条以 Handles.CylinderHandleCap 终止的线的 CapFunction。 |
DefaultAngleHandleSizeFunction | 返回一个固定屏幕空间尺寸的 SizeFunction。 |
DefaultRadiusHandleSizeFunction | 返回一个固定屏幕空间尺寸的 SizeFunction。 |