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class in UnityEditor.AssetImporters


Defines the import context for scripted importers during an import event.

This class carries both input and output information for the OnImportAsset() task.


assetPathThe path of the source asset file to be imported.
mainObjectThe main object set on the AssetImportContext.
selectedBuildTargetThis indicates what platform the import event is targeting.

Public Methods

AddObjectToAssetAdds an object to the result of the import operation.
DependsOnArtifactSetup artifact dependency to an asset.
DependsOnCustomDependencyAllows you to specify that an Asset has a custom dependency.
DependsOnSourceAssetAllows you to specify that an Asset depends directly on the source file of another Asset (as opposed to the import result of another asset).
GetObjectsGets the list of objects set on the AssetImportContext.
GetResultPathReturns the path where to store the result of an import for a given extension.
LogImportErrorLogs an error message encountered during import.
LogImportWarningLogs a warning message encountered during import.
SetMainObjectSets the main object for import.