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class in UnityEditor

Implements interfaces:ILightingExplorerExtension


Default definition for the Lighting Explorer. Can be overridden completely or partially.



Public Methods

GetContentTabsThis returns all the default tabs for the Lighting Explorer.

Protected Methods

GetEmissivesReturns objects with an Emissive material.
GetEmissivesColumnsReturns column definitions for Emissives.
GetLightColumnsReturns column definitions for Lights.
GetLightProbeColumnsReturns column definitions for Light Probes.
GetLightProbesReturns Light Probes.
GetLightsReturns Lights.
GetReflectionProbeColumnsReturns column definitions for Reflection Probes.
GetReflectionProbesReturns Reflection Probes.

Static Methods

GetObjectsForLightingExplorerReturns T type Objects to be shown in the Light Explorer.