Version: 5.5
Baked ambient occlusion
Light Probes

LOD para lightmaps baked

Direct lighting is computed using the actual geometric surfaces of all levels of detail (LODs). Lower LOD levels use Light Probes to sample indirect lighting.

The Unity Editor bakes the final lighting into lightmaps - the baked LODs do not sample the Light Probes at runtime if you use baked GI. To ensure you capture indirect lighting, place Light Probes around your baked LODs.

To set up LOD for baked lightmaps:

  • Add a LOD Group (see documentation on LOD for instructions on how to do this).
  • Make the LOD GameObjects Lightmap Static in the Inspector (Inspector window: Static > Lightmap Static) (see documentation on Static Objects for more information).
  • Place Light Probes around the LOD GameObjects.

Please note that only LOD0 affects the surrounding geometry. However, the lower LODs are usually the same size as LOD0, so this should not cause any problems with your project.

The Unity Editor does not support LOD for precomputed realtime GI - it uses Light Probes instead.

Baked ambient occlusion
Light Probes