Version: 5.5

Viñeteado y Aberración Cromática

El efecto de imagen Vignetting introduce oscurecimiento, desenfoque y aberración cromática (separación de color espectral) en los bordes y esquinas de la imagen. Normalmente se utiliza para simular una vista a través de una lente de cámara, pero también se puede utilizar para crear efectos abstractos.

Example of Vignetting and chromatic Aberration. Notice how the screen corners darken and color separation (aberration) creates purple and slightly green color fringing.
Example of Vignetting and chromatic Aberration. Notice how the screen corners darken and color separation (aberration) creates purple and slightly green color fringing.

Al igual que los otros efectos de imagen, usted debe tener el Standard Assets Effects package instalado antes de que se vuelva disponible.


Propiedad: Función:
Vignetting The degree of darkening applied to the screen edges and corners. Choose 0 to disable this feature and save on performance.
Blurred Corners The amount of blur that is added to the screen corners. Choose 0 to disable this feature and save on performance.
Blur Distance The blur filter sample distance used when blurring corners.
Aberration Mode Advanced intenta modelar más efectos de aberración (la aberración axial constante existente en el plano de imagen entero) mientras que Simple solamente modela una aberración tangencial (limitado a las esquinas).
Strength Overall aberration intensity (not to confuse with color offset distance), defaults to 1.0.
Tangential Aberration The degree of tangential chromatic aberration: Uniform on the entire image plane.
Axial Aberration The degree of axial chromatic aberration: Scales with smaller distance to the image plane’s corners.
Contrast Dependency The bigger this value, the more contrast is needed for the aberration to trigger. Higher values are more realistic (in this case, an HDR input is recommended).

Modo avanzado

Advanced mode is more expensive but offers a more realistic implementation of Chromatic Aberration.

! El modo Advanced ofrece un gran control sobre nuestro modelo de aberración cromática - también conocido como franja de color verde o púrpura - un fenómeno común en la fotografía.

Closeup view of color fringing. Note how around areas of great contrast purple and green shimmers seem to appear. This effect depends depends on the kind of camera or lens system being used. The effect is based on the fact that different wavelengths will be projected on different focal planes.
Closeup view of color fringing. Note how around areas of great contrast purple and green shimmers seem to appear. This effect depends depends on the kind of camera or lens system being used. The effect is based on the fact that different wavelengths will be projected on different focal planes.

Hardware Support

Este efecto debería corre en todo el hardware que Unity soporta.
