Version: 5.5
Motion Blur
Noise And Scratches

Noise And Grain

The Noise And Grain image effect simulates noise and film grain which is a typical effect happening in film or photography. This special noise implementation can even be used to enhance image contrast as it’s using a special blend mode. It also enables typical noise scenarios, such as as low level light noise or softening glowing halo’s or bloom borders.

The DirectX 11 / OpenGL 3 implementation is totally independent of any texture reads and thus a good fit for modern graphics hardware.

The standard version uses a noise texture that should have an average luminance of 0.5 to prevent unwanted brightness changes of the resulting image. The used default texture is an example for this.

Example screenshot of the effect. Notice its smoothness, how it sticks mostly to bright and dark areas and that it has a distinct blue tint.
Example screenshot of the effect. Notice its smoothness, how it sticks mostly to bright and dark areas and that it has a distinct blue tint.

Как и с другими эффектами изображения, этот эффект доступен только в Unity Pro и вы должны иметь установленные Pro Standard Assets перед тем как начать его использовать.


Свойство: Функция:
DirectX11 Grain Enable high quality noise and grain (DX11/GL3 only).
Monochrome Use greyscale noise only.
Intensity Multiplier Global intensity adjustment.
General Add noise equally for all luminance ranges.
Black Boost Add extra low luminance noise.
White Boost Add extra high luminance noise.
Mid Grey Defines ranges for high-level and low-level noise ranges above.
Color Weights Additionally tint noise.
Texture Texture used for non-DX11 mode.
Filter Texture filtering.
Softness Defines noise or grain crispness. Higher values might yield better performance but require temporary a render target.
Tiling Noise pattern tiling (can be tweaked for all color channels individually when in non-DX11 texture mode).

Аппаратная поддержка

This effect should run on all hardware that Unity supports.

Motion Blur
Noise And Scratches