Playable Director 组件
用户界面 (UI)


This topic provides an alphabetical list of the terminology used throughout the Timeline documentation.

__animatable property(可动画属性)__:属于某个游戏对象或者属于游戏对象添加的某个组件的属性,可随时间推移而具有不同的值。


__animation curve(动画曲线)__:在不同帧或时间为同一可动画属性设置的关键点之间绘制的曲线。每个关键点的切线位置和选定插值模式决定了动画曲线的形状。

binding(绑定)__或 Track binding(轨道绑定)__:表示时间轴资源轨道与场景游戏对象之间的链接。将某个游戏对象链接到轨道时,该轨道将动画化该游戏对象。绑定作为时间轴实例的一部分进行存储。

blend(混合)__和 blend area(混合区域)__:两个动画剪辑、音频剪辑或控制剪辑发生重叠的区域。重叠将产生一种称为__混合__的过渡。重叠的持续时间称为__混合区域__。混合区域决定了过渡的持续时间。

__Blend In curve(混入曲线)__:在两个动画剪辑、音频剪辑或控制剪辑之间的混合中有两条混合曲线。传入剪辑的混合曲线称为__混入__曲线。

Blend Out curve(混出曲线)__:在两个动画剪辑、音频剪辑或控制剪辑之间的混合中有两条混合曲线。传出剪辑的混合曲线称为__混出____曲线

clip: A generic term that refers to any clip within the Clips view of the Timeline window.

Clips view: The area in the Timeline window where you add, position, and manipulate clips.

__Control/Command__:指示用户在 Windows 上按下或按住 Control 键或者在 Mac 上按下或按住 Command 键时使用此术语。

Curves view: The area in the Timeline window that shows the animation curves for Infinite clips or for Animation clips that have been converted from Infinite clips. The Curves view is similar to Curves mode in the Animation window.

__Gap extrapolation(空白外推)__:动画轨道如何在动画剪辑之前和之后的空白位置接近动画数据。


__incoming clip(传入剪辑):__两个剪辑之间的混合中的第二个剪辑。第一个剪辑(传出剪辑)过渡到第二个剪辑(__传入剪辑__)。

infinite clip: A special animation clip that contains basic key animation recorded directly to an Animation track within the Timeline window. An Infinite clip cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split because it does not have a defined duration: it spans the entirety of an Animation track.


__interpolation mode(插值模式)__:用于绘制两个关键点之间动画曲线的插值算法。插值模式还会连接或断开左侧和右侧切线。


__out-going clip(传出剪辑)__:两个剪辑之间的混合中的第一个剪辑。第一个剪辑(__传出剪辑__)过渡到第二个剪辑(传入剪辑)。

__Playhead Location field(播放头位置字段)__:根据时间轴设置,该字段以帧或秒表示时间轴播放头的位置。


__tangent(切线)__:两个控制柄之一,用于控制关键点前后的动画曲线的形状。在曲线视图中选择一个关键点时或者在曲线编辑器 (Curve Editor) 中选择一个关键点时将显示切线。

__tangent mode(切线模式)__:由左切线和/或右切线所使用的选定插值模式。

Timeline(时间轴)__或 Unity’s Timeline(Unity 时间轴)__:通用术语,表示与创建、修改或重复使用过场动画、影片和游戏序列相关的所有功能、窗口、编辑器和组件。

Timeline Asset: Refers to the tracks, clips, and recorded animation that comprise a cinematic, cut-scene, game-play sequence, or other effect created with the Timeline window. A Timeline Asset does not include bindings to the GameObjects animated by the Timeline Asset. The bindings to scene GameObjects are stored in the Timeline instance. The Timeline Asset is project-based.

Timeline window: The official name of the window where you create, modify, and preview a Timeline instance. Modifications to a Timeline instance also affects the Timeline Asset.

__Timeline instance(时间轴实例)__:表示时间轴资源与时间轴资源在场景中进行动画化的游戏对象之间的链接。通过 Playable Director 组件将时间轴资源与游戏对象相关联即可创建时间轴实例。时间轴实例基于场景。

Timeline Playback Controls: The row of buttons and fields in the Timeline window that controls playback of the Timeline instance. The Timeline Playback Controls affect the location of the Timeline Playhead.

Timeline Playback mode: The mode that previews the Timeline instance in the Timeline window. Timeline Playback mode is a simulation of Play mode. Timeline Playback mode does not support audio playback.

Timeline Playhead: The white marker and line that indicates the exact point in time being previewed in the Timeline window.

Timeline Selector: The name of the menu in the Timeline window that selects the Timeline instance to be previewed or modified.

track: A generic term that refers to any track within the Track list of the Timeline window.

__Track groups(轨道组)__:该术语表示按照可展开和可折叠的轨道集合进行组织的一系列轨道。

Track list: The area in the Timeline window where you add, group, and modify tracks.

  • 2019–08–20 页面已发布
Playable Director 组件
用户界面 (UI)