渐进 GPU 光照贴图 (Progressive GPU Lightmapper)(预览)

Lightmapping Settings

To open the Lightmapping Settings, go to Window > Rendering >Lighting Settings, and navigate to Lightmapping Settings.

The properties available in the Lightmapping Settings
The properties available in the Lightmapping Settings
Property: Function:
Lightmapper Use this to specify which internal lighting calculation software to use to calculate lightmaps in the Scene. The options are:

Progressive CPU
Progressive GPU
Enlighten (deprecated)

The default value is Progressive CPU.

Lightmapping Settings are specific to the Lightmapper backend. To see the settings information for each lighting system, see the documentation on the Progressive CPU Lightmapper, the Progressive GPU Lightmapper, and Enlighten.

渐进 GPU 光照贴图 (Progressive GPU Lightmapper)(预览)