AddComponent | Adds a component to the game object and registers an undo operation for this action. |
ClearAll | Removes all undo and redo operations from respectively the undo and redo stacks. |
ClearUndo | Removes all Undo operation for the identifier object registered using Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo from the undo stack. |
CollapseUndoOperations | Collapses all undo operation up to group index together into one step. |
DestroyObjectImmediate | Destroys the object and records an undo operation so that it can be recreated. |
FlushUndoRecordObjects | Ensure objects recorded using RecordObject or RecordObjects are registered as an undoable action. In most cases there is no reason to invoke FlushUndoRecordObjects since it's automatically done right after mouse-up and certain other events that conventionally marks the end of an action. |
GetCurrentGroup | Unity automatically groups undo operations by the current group index. |
GetCurrentGroupName | Get the name that will be shown in the UI for the current undo group. |
IncrementCurrentGroup | Unity automatically groups undo operations by the current group index. |
MoveGameObjectToScene | Move a GameObject from its current Scene to a new Scene.
It is required that the GameObject is at the root of its current Scene. |
PerformRedo | Perform an Redo operation. |
PerformUndo | Perform an Undo operation. |
RecordObject | Records any changes done on the object after the RecordObject function. |
RecordObjects | Records multiple undoable objects in a single call. This is the same as calling Undo.RecordObject multiple times. |
RegisterChildrenOrderUndo | Stores a copy of the order of the object's children on the undo stack. |
RegisterCompleteObjectUndo | Stores a copy of the object states on the undo stack. |
RegisterCreatedObjectUndo | Registers an undo operation to undo the creation of an object. |
RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo | Copy the states of a hierarchy of objects onto the undo stack. |
RegisterImporterUndo | Copies the state of the importer for the given asset path. |
RevertAllDownToGroup | Performs all undo operations up to the group index without storing a redo operation in the process. |
RevertAllInCurrentGroup | Performs the last undo operation but does not record a redo operation. |
SetCurrentGroupName | Set the name of the current undo group. |
SetSiblingIndex | Sets the sibling index of transform and records an undo operation. |
SetTransformParent | Sets the parent of transform to the new parent and records an undo operation. |