Method |
Description |
Add |
Adds a column at the end of the collection.
Clear |
Removes all columns from the collection.
Contains |
Whether the columns contain the specified name.
CopyTo |
Copies the elements of the current collection to a Array, starting at the specified index.
GetEnumerator |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
IndexOf |
Returns the index of the specified column if it is contained in the collection; returns -1 otherwise.
Insert |
Inserts a column into the current instance at the specified index.
IsPrimary |
Checks if the specified column is the primary one.
Remove |
Removes the first occurence of a column from the collection.
RemoveAt |
Removes the column at the specified index.
ReorderDisplay |
Reorders the display of a column at the specified source index, to the destination index.