Column state.
Property | Description |
allowToggleVisibility | Option to allow/disallow hiding the column from the context menu. |
autoResize | Option to allow the column to resize automatically when resizing the entire MultiColumnHeader. |
canSort | Is sorting enabled for this column. If false, left-clicking this column header has no effect. |
contextMenuText | If this is set then it is used for the context menu for toggling visibility, if not set then the ::headerContent is used. |
headerContent | This is the GUIContent that will be rendered in the column header. |
headerTextAlignment | Alignment of the header content. |
maxWidth | Maximum width of the column. |
minWidth | Minimum width of the column. |
sortedAscending | Value that controls if this column is sorted ascending or descending. |
sortingArrowAlignment | Alignment of the sorting arrow. |
userData | Serialized field that holds an integer value that can be used as a handle to access any non-serialized user data. |
width | The width of the column. |