Version: 2022.3
  • C#


struct in UnityEngine.VFX

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This structure provides runtime information on how Unity batches a VisualEffectAsset.


activeBatchCountThe number of active batches the VisualEffectAsset uses.
activeInstanceCountThe number of active VisualEffect instances of this VisualEffectAsset.
inactiveBatchCountThe number of inactive batches that are allocated for later reuse.
maxInstancePerBatchCapacityThe maximum number of VisualEffect that can be instanciated in a single batch.
totalCPUSizeInBytesThe CPU size, in bytes, that the batches of this VisualEffectAsset use.
totalGPUSizeInBytesThe GPU size, in bytes, that the batches of this VisualEffectAsset use.
totalInstanceCapacityThe total number of VisualEffect that can be instanciated with the current allocated batches.
unbatchedInstanceCountThe number of VisualEffect instances that are not batched.
vfxAssetThe VisualEffectAsset associated with this Batched Effect Info.