class in UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio
Implemented in:UnityEngine.AudioModule
Provides access to the audio samples generated by Unity objects such as VideoPlayer.
This class is meant to be usable outside the main thread and the implementation assumes a single consumer at a time invoking AudioSampleProvider.ConsumeSampleFrames. Audio data can be accessed both from C# and from C++, depending on what has to be done with this data.
The following is an example of how to access samples from C# using an accessor obtained from the VideoPlayer:
using UnityEngine; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Video; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio; using UnityEngine.Video;
public class ManagedAudioOutput : MonoBehaviour { AudioSampleProvider provider;
void Start() { VideoPlayer vp = GetComponent<VideoPlayer>(); vp.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.APIOnly; vp.prepareCompleted += Prepared; vp.Prepare(); }
void Prepared(VideoPlayer vp) { provider = vp.GetAudioSampleProvider(0); provider.sampleFramesAvailable += SampleFramesAvailable; provider.enableSampleFramesAvailableEvents = true; provider.freeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold = provider.maxSampleFrameCount / 4; vp.Play(); }
void SampleFramesAvailable(AudioSampleProvider provider, uint sampleFrameCount) { using (NativeArray<float> buffer = new NativeArray<float>( (int)sampleFrameCount * provider.channelCount, Allocator.Temp)) { var sfCount = provider.ConsumeSampleFrames(buffer); Debug.LogFormat("SetupSoftwareAudioOut.Available got {0} sample frames.", sfCount); // Do something with the samples here... } } }
The following is an example of how to access samples from C++. The setup has to be done in C# and then Unity's core and the native plug-in can call into each other without having to go through managed code.
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Video; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio; using UnityEngine.Video;
public class NativeAudioOutput : MonoBehaviour { AudioSampleProvider provider; AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction sampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler = SampleFramesAvailable;
void Start() { VideoPlayer vp = GetComponent<VideoPlayer>(); vp.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.APIOnly; vp.prepareCompleted += Prepared; vp.Prepare(); }
void Prepared(VideoPlayer vp) { provider = vp.GetAudioSampleProvider(0); provider.freeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold = provider.maxSampleFrameCount - 1024;
SetConsumeSampleFramesFunction( AudioSampleProvider.consumeSampleFramesNativeFunction,, provider.channelCount, provider.sampleRate); provider.SetSampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler( sampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler, (IntPtr)0);
vp.Play(); }
private const string pluginName = #if UNITY_IPHONE "__Internal" #else "NativeAudioOutputPlugin" #endif ;
[DllImport(pluginName, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern void SetConsumeSampleFramesFunction( AudioSampleProvider.ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction cb, uint id, ushort channelCount, uint sampleRate);
[AOT.MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction))] [DllImport(pluginName, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern void SampleFramesAvailable(IntPtr userData, uint id, uint sampleFrameCount); }
And here is the accompanying C++ plug-in:
#include <algorithm> #include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t(__cdecl *ConsumeSampleFramesFunction)( uint32_t providerId, float* interleavedSampleFrames, uint32_t sampleFrameCount);
ConsumeSampleFramesFunction ConsumeSampleFrames = NULL; uint32_t providerId = -1; float* buffer = NULL; uint32_t bufferSampleFrameCount = 0; uint32_t availableSampleFrameCount = 0;
extern "C" __cdecl void SetConsumeSampleFramesFunction( ConsumeSampleFramesFunction function, uint32_t id, uint16_t channelCount, uint32_t sampleRate) { ConsumeSampleFrames = function; providerId = id; delete[] buffer; buffer = new float[channelCount * sampleRate]; // 1s worth of sample frames. bufferSampleFrameCount = sampleRate; }
extern "C" __cdecl void SampleFramesAvailable(void* userData, uint32_t id, uint32_t sampleFrameCount) { if (ConsumeSampleFrames == NULL) return;
// We consume the sample frames from the handler that tells us that there are some available. // But we could also invoke this regularly from another thread, for example the thread providing // samples to an audio device. const uint32_t consumedSampleFrameCount = ConsumeSampleFrames( providerId, buffer, std::min(bufferSampleFrameCount, sampleFrameCount)); // Do something with the samples here... }
Property | Description |
consumeSampleFramesNativeFunction | Pointer to the native function that provides access to audio sample frames. |
Property | Description |
availableSampleFrameCount | Number of sample frames available for consuming with AudioSampleProvider.ConsumeSampleFrames. |
channelCount | The number of audio channels per sample frame. |
enableSampleFramesAvailableEvents | Enables the AudioSampleProvider.sampleFramesAvailable events. |
enableSilencePadding | If true, buffers produced by ConsumeSampleFrames will get padded when silence if there are less available than asked for. Otherwise, the extra sample frames in the buffer will be left unchanged. |
freeSampleFrameCount | Number of sample frames that can still be written to by the sample producer before overflowing. |
freeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold | Then the free sample count falls below this threshold, the AudioSampleProvider.sampleFramesAvailable event and associated native is emitted. |
id | Unique identifier for this instance. |
maxSampleFrameCount | The maximum number of sample frames that can be accumulated inside the internal buffer before an overflow event is emitted. |
owner | Object where this provider came from. |
sampleRate | The expected playback rate for the sample frames produced by this class. |
trackIndex | Index of the track in the object that created this provider. |
valid | True if the object is valid. |
Method | Description |
ClearSampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler | Clear the native handler set with AudioSampleProvider.SetSampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler. |
ClearSampleFramesOverflowNativeHandler | Clear the native handler set with AudioSampleProvider.SetSampleFramesOverflowNativeHandler. |
ConsumeSampleFrames | Consume sample frames from the internal buffer. |
Dispose | Release internal resources. Inherited from IDisposable. |
SetSampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler | Set the native event handler for events emitted when the number of available sample frames crosses the threshold. |
SetSampleFramesOverflowNativeHandler | Set the native event handler for events emitted when the internal sample frame buffer overflows. |
Event | Description |
sampleFramesAvailable | Invoked when the number of available sample frames goes beyond the threshold set with AudioSampleProvider.freeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold. |
sampleFramesOverflow | Invoked when the number of available sample frames goes beyond the maximum that fits in the internal buffer. |
Delegate | Description |
ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction | Type that represents the native function pointer for consuming sample frames. |
SampleFramesEventNativeFunction | Type that represents the native function pointer for handling sample frame events. |
SampleFramesHandler | Delegate for sample frame events. |