Property |
Description |
alt | Is Alt/Option key held down? (Read Only) |
button | Which mouse button was pressed. |
capsLock | Is Caps Lock on? (Read Only) |
character | The character typed. |
clickCount | How many consecutive mouse clicks have we received. |
command | Is Command/Windows key held down? (Read Only) |
commandName | The name of an ExecuteCommand or ValidateCommand Event. |
control | Is Control key held down? (Read Only) |
delta | The relative movement of the mouse compared to last event. |
displayIndex | Index of display that the event belongs to. |
functionKey | Is the current keypress a function key? (Read Only) |
isKey | Is this event a keyboard event? (Read Only) |
isMouse | Is this event a mouse event? (Read Only) |
keyCode | The raw key code for keyboard events. |
modifiers | Which modifier keys are held down. |
mousePosition | The mouse position. |
numeric | Is the current keypress on the numeric keyboard? (Read Only) |
penStatus | Specifies the state of the pen. For example, whether the pen is in contact with the screen or tablet, whether the pen is inverted, and whether buttons are pressed. |
pointerType | The type of pointer that created this event (for example, mouse, touch screen, pen). |
pressure | How hard pen pressure is applied, normalized between 0 (no pressure) and 1 (maximum pressure). |
shift | Is Shift held down? (Read Only) |
tilt | Specifies the angle of the pen relative to the X and Y axes, expressed in radians. |
twist | Specifies the rotation of the pen around its axis, expressed in radians. The default value is 0. |
type | The type of event. |