
class in UnityEngine


Inherits from:Behaviour


Implemented in:UnityEngine.Physics2DModule


Parent class for joints to connect Rigidbody2D objects.

Additional resources: AnchoredJoint2D class.


Property Description
attachedRigidbodyThe Rigidbody2D attached to the Joint2D.
breakActionThe action to take when the joint breaks the breakForce or breakTorque.
breakForceThe force that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
breakTorqueThe torque that needs to be applied for this joint to break.
connectedBodyThe Rigidbody2D object to which the other end of the joint is attached (ie, the object without the joint component).
enableCollisionShould the two rigid bodies connected with this joint collide with each other?
reactionForceGets the reaction force of the joint.
reactionTorqueGets the reaction torque of the joint.

Public Methods

Method Description
GetReactionForceGets the reaction force of the joint given the specified timeStep.
GetReactionTorqueGets the reaction torque of the joint given the specified timeStep.


Message Description
OnJointBreak2DCalled when a Joint2D attached to the same game object breaks.

Inherited Members


enabledEnabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not.
isActiveAndEnabledReports whether a GameObject and its associated Behaviour is active and enabled.
gameObjectThe game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object.
tagThe tag of this game object.
transformThe Transform attached to this GameObject.
hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
nameThe name of the object.

Public Methods

BroadcastMessageCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children.
CompareTagChecks the GameObject's tag against the defined tag.
GetComponentGets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified.
GetComponentInChildrenGets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any child of the GameObject.
GetComponentIndexGets the index of the component on its parent GameObject.
GetComponentInParentGets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any parent of the GameObject.
GetComponentsGets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified.
GetComponentsInChildrenGets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, and any child of the GameObject.
GetComponentsInParentGets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, and any parent of the GameObject.
SendMessageCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object.
SendMessageUpwardsCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour.
TryGetComponentGets the component of the specified type, if it exists.
GetInstanceIDGets the instance ID of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.

Static Methods

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindAnyObjectByTypeRetrieves any active loaded object of Type type.
FindFirstObjectByTypeRetrieves the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectOfTypeReturns the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsByTypeRetrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
FindObjectsOfTypeGets a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
InstantiateClones the object original and returns the clone.
InstantiateAsyncCaptures a snapshot of the original object (that must be related to some GameObject) and returns the AsyncInstantiateOperation.


boolDoes the object exist?
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object.
operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object.

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