mesh | 要绘制的 Mesh。 |
submeshIndex | 要绘制网格的哪个子集。这只适用于由若干种材质构成的网格。 |
material | 要使用的 Material。 |
matrices | 对象变换矩阵的数组。 |
count | 要绘制的实例数。 |
properties | 要应用的其他材质属性。请参阅 MaterialPropertyBlock。 |
castShadows | Determines whether the Meshes should cast shadows. |
receiveShadows | Determines whether the Meshes should receive shadows. |
layer | 要使用的 Layer。 |
camera | If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be drawn in the given Camera only. |
lightProbeUsage | 实例的 LightProbeUsage。 |
Draws the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing.
Similar to Graphics.DrawMesh, this function draws meshes for one frame without the overhead of creating unnecessary game objects.
This function is now obsolete. Use Graphics.RenderMeshInstanced instead.
Use this function in situations where you want to draw the same mesh for a particular amount of times using an instanced shader. Unity culls and sorts instanced Meshes as a group. It creates an axis-aligned bounding box that contains all the Meshes, calculates the center point, then uses this information to cull and sort the Mesh instances. Note that after culling and sorting the combined instances, Unity does not further cull individual instances by the view frustum or baked occluders. It also does not sort individual instances for transparency or depth efficiency.
应将网格的每个实例的变换矩阵打包到 matrices
数组的长度)。如果着色器需要其他的每实例数据,应通过使用 SetFloatArray、SetVectorArray 和 SetMatrixArray 在 MaterialPropertyBlock 参数上创建数组的方式提供。
要使用光照探针渲染实例,请通过 MaterialPropertyBlock 提供光照探针数据,并使用 LightProbeUsage.CustomProvided 指定 /lightProbeUsage/。有关详细信息,请参阅 LightProbes.CalculateInterpolatedLightAndOcclusionProbes。
注意:一次最多只能绘制 1023 个实例。
如果材质的 Material.enableInstancing 未设置为 true,或当前平台不支持该 API(即,如果 GPU 实例化不可用),则会抛出 InvalidOperationException。请参阅 SystemInfo.supportsInstancing。
See Also: Graphics.DrawMesh, Graphics.RenderMeshInstanced.