此结构描述使用哪种拆分设置 (splitData) 渲染哪个阴影光源 (lightIndex)。
cullingResults | 要使用的剔除结果。 |
lightIndex | 要渲染的阴影投射光源的索引。 |
objectsFilter | Specifies the filter Unity applies to GameObjects that it renders in the shadow pass. |
projectionType | The projection type of the shadow-casting light to be rendered. For example, directional light shadow-maps will have orthographic projection. Spot lights will usually have perspective projection, but you might want to implement orthographically-projected box-shaped spot lights in your scriptable renderer pipeline. This member variable is accessible later, in the culling process, when rendering the shadow map. |
splitData | 拆分数据。 |
useRenderingLayerMaskTest | 将此属性设置为 true 将使 Unity 在阴影渲染期间对渲染器进行过滤。Unity 根据渲染器本身的 **Rendering Layer Mask** 和每个投射阴影的光源的 **Rendering Layer Mask** 过滤渲染器。 |
ShadowDrawingSettings | 创建阴影设置对象。 |