The XR SDK Input Subsystem is an interface for reporting button, axis, and tracking device information. This is the core subsystem for getting user-controlled data into the various input endpoints of the Unity engine. Unity reports your input information to InputDevices and the Input System depending on the type of information available.
To create a basic, working XR Input provider, follow these steps:
This guide uses the following terms:
Most Input Subsystem APIs rely on devices. A device is a container of input features referenced by a unique ID that you choose. This can be something concrete, like a gamepad or headset, or it can represent abstract objects such as a detected hand skeleton. A device has a fixed number of features that you cannot change while the device is connected.
Input Features are anything you can get sensor or user modified data from. That can be a button, or a positional tracking element, or battery life. They are grouped into various types of data, identified by UnityXRInputFeatureType. These are the currently supported data types that can be on an input device:
UnityXRInputFeatureType | Data Type |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeCustom | char[] (up to 1024 elements) |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeBinary | bool |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeDiscreteStates | unsigned int |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeAxis1D | float |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeAxis2D | UnityXRVector2 |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeAxis3D | UnityXRVector3 |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeRotation | UnityXRVector4 |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeHand | UnityXRHand |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeBone | UnityXRBone |
kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeEyes | UnityXREyes |
A usage provides context to a feature. It identifies how the developer should use the feature. For example, the feature can be a 2D axis, but the usage tells the developer it’s a touchpad. Usage can also inform the developer that a one-dimensional axis feature is reporting battery life. You can create your own usages, but you need to use as many Unity-developed usages as possible, because they enable cross-platform utility for developers. For a list of common usages available to all, see the Feature usages section below.
A UnityXRInternalInputDeviceId identifies all devices. Consider these identifiers to be unique IDs that both Unity and a provider share to reference a specific device. You define which Ids map to which devices, with the only constraint being that you cannot use the same Id for two devices connected at the same time. When you report a specific Id as connecting, Unity requests information about what the device is capable of and the current state of that device using that Id, and sends device-specific events using that Id.
Two APIs on the IUnityXRInputInterface handle device connection and disconnection:
This reports a new device. The UnityXRInternalInputDeviceId
the provider supplies can be any value, so long as it represents an internally unique device and no two devices are connected with the same Id from the same provider. Devices can only be connected between the Start and Stop events of the input provider’s lifecycle. Any device that is already connected when IUnityXRInputProvider.Start is called should be reported during that callback.
Once a device is reported as connected, Unity callsIUnityXRInputProvider.FillDeviceDefinition on the next input update loop with the supplied UnityXRInternalInputDeviceId in order to get specific information about that device.
This reports that an input device is no longer available. You can only report an input device as disconnected after you have already reported it as connected. When you receive IUnityXRInputProvider.Stop, you must report all input devices currently connected as disconnected.
The two calls above are thread safe, and can be called at any time.
A Device Definition describes the features that your device can report to Unity. Features consist of device identifying information, such as the device name, role, manufacturer, and serial number. A Device Definition also contains an indexed list of all individual input features available.
When a device is reported as being connected, Unity calls your provider via IUnityXRInputProvider.FillDeviceDefinition. The UnityXRInputDeviceDefinition parameter acts as a handle that can be passed into any methods prefixed with DeviceDefinition on IUnityXRInputInterface. Those methods are as follows:
Developers use some data on the device to identify specific devices or the general functionality of a newly connected device.
This allows the provider to set the device name. The name must be clear, succinct, and recognizable by mass market consumers. This should not include the manufacturer’s name. This name is available to developers via and as InputDevice.product in the Input System. Don’t leave this blank.
This allows the provider to specify the type of device that connected. UnityXRInputDeviceCharacteristics are a series of flags that help define what a device is capable of. These change the Input System usage of the InputDevice.
This allows the provider to set the manufacturer of the device. The manufacturer must be clear, succinct, and recognizable by mass market consumers. This string is available to developers via UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice.manufacturer and as InputDevice.manufacturer in the Input System. Don’t leave this blank.
This allows the provider to set the serial number of the device. This string is available to developers via UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice.serialNumber and as InputDevice.serialNumber in the Input System. This must be an identifier unique to this specific device, or you should leave it blank.
You can add Input Features to your device definition via the following API calls.
This adds a feature of a set type (except kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeCustom), and returns the UnityXRInputFeatureIndex of that new feature.
This adds a kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeCustom feature. These are variable buffers, up to 1024 bytes. You can use these to create custom types, unknown to Unity, and require an explicit size. This method returns the UnityXRInputFeatureIndex of that new feature.
This adds a feature, but also includes one feature usage. This method is a helper that combines DeviceDefinition_AddFeature and DeviceDefinition_AddUsageAtIndex, and returns the UnityXRInputFeatureIndex of that new feature.
This adds a feature usage to an existing feature. It takes the UnityXRInputFeatureIndex from one of the methods that adds a feature. You can add as many usages to a single feature as required.
Note: Returned UnityXRInputFeatureIndex values are all in the sequential order they are added.
Device states are data structures that contain the current state of the device. The structure of the UnityXRInputDeviceState is described by the UnityXRInputDeviceDefinition.
Note: Features contained within the Device State are accessed with a UnityXRInputFeatureIndex as reported when declaring that feature in the device definition.
Once a definition is declared, Unity requests device states twice a frame via IUnityXRInputProvider.UpdateDeviceState. The UnityXRInputUpdateType parameter specifies what kind of update Unity expects:
The UnityXRInputDeviceState parameter acts as a handle that can be passed into any methods prefixed with DeviceState on IUnityXRInputInterface.
This sets a feature of type kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeCustom at the supplied UnityXRInputFeatureIndex. When setting custom value features, the provider must always set the value with the full size of the declared feature; there is no partial value setting. Also, you must declare all custom features to Unity during submission with a detailed explanation of what kind of data they contain and why they cannot exist using the other individual feature types.
This sets a boolean (on/off) feature of type kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeBinary. The default, resting, or unused state of this feature must be false.
This sets a 32-bit unsigned integer value. This can also be used to represent enumerations. The default, unused value must be 0, and if used for an enumeration, 0 must represent the value of null, none, unset, or invalid.
This sets a 32-bit floating point value. The default, unused value must be 0.0.
This sets a value of type UnityXRVector2. UnityXRVector2 structures are a pair of (X, Y) 32-bit floats. The default, unused value must be (0.0, 0.0).
This sets a value of type UnityXRVector3. UnityXRVector2 structures are a pair of (X, Y, Z) 32-bit floats. The default, unused value must be (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
This sets a value of type UnityXRVector4, formatted as a quaternion. The default, unused value must be (0, 0, 0, 1). See documentation on quaternionsUnity’s standard way of representing rotations as data. When writing code that deals with rotations, you should usually use the Quaternion class and its methods. More info
See in Glossary for more information.
This sets a value of type UnityXRBone.
This sets a value of type UnityXRHand.
This sets a value of type UnityXREyes.
Note: The UnityXRInputFeatureUsageIndex passed in is the same one returned when adding that individual feature to the device definition when filling out the UnityXRInputFeatureDefinition.
The following advanced types are special feature types that are used to contain data from multiple data sources.
These represent a bone or one element of a hierarchical pose in space. The position member represents a three-dimensional position in meters, using left-handed coordinates where Y is up. The rotation member represents an orientation in space for that bone, represented by a normalized quaternion in radians. The parentBoneIndex is a UnityXRInputFeatureIndex that must point to the UnityXRBone that is upwards in the hierarchy, or kUnityInvalidXRInputFeatureIndex if it is the root for this skeleton.
These represent a hand-like structure of bones. They organize the bone hierarchy into fingers and root for easy traversal. The rootBoneIndex must always point to a valid index that is of type kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeBone, which represents the palm or center of the hand. fingerBoneIndices must be stacked such that the first dimension or the array maps to individual fingers, following UnityXRHandFinger enumeration values, and the second dimension of the array are the individual finger bones from root to tip.
These represent a pair of eyes, their fixation point, and current blink data. The leftEyePose and rightEyePose are of type UnityXRPose, where the position member represents a three-dimensional position in meters, using left-handed coordinates, where Y is up, and the rotation member represents a normalized quaternion in radians. The fixationPoint represents where the left and right eyes converge, and is also a three-dimensional position in meters, using left-handed coordinates, where Y is up. The leftOpenAmount and rightOpenAmount represent the openness of the eyes, where 0 is closed, and 1 is fully open. They cannot exceed the [0,1] range.
Outside of device state and definition updating, Unity expects you to react and respond to various events.
This is for private events, specific to this provider. The eventType parameter is a custom code used to identify the payload. If the provider does not understand that event, it must return kUnitySubsystemErrorCodeFailure.
The tracking origin refers to a point in real-world space that tracked devices are relative to. It is effectively the point in real-world space where a device would report a position of (0, 0, 0). Unity supports a variety of tracking origin modes, and providers can choose to opt into those that they support. The tracking origin modes are listed under UnityXRInputTrackingOriginModeFlags.
kUnityXRInputTrackingOriginModeDevice places the origin at the primary device’s location and yaw at the time of startup, or at the location of the last UnityXRInputProvider.HandleRecenter event.
kUnityXRInputTrackingOriginModeFloor places the origin somewhere on the floor. The location on the floor is up to the provider, so long as it lets the developer understand the height difference between the floor and various devices.
kUnityXRInputTrackingOriginModeTrackingReference places the origin at the location of a specific InputDevice with the kUnityXRInputDeviceCharacteristicsTrackingReference characteristic.
Finally, kUnityXRInputTrackingOriginModeUnknown is an error case, and should not be returned by the provider.
When the tracking origin mode is set to kUnityXRInputTrackingOriginModeDevice, a call to recenter should set the current location of the primary device to be the new origin.
This is a request from Unity to get the current tracking origin mode that the provider is using. The provider is expected to set the trackingOriginMode parameter and return kUnitySubsystemErrorCodeSuccess. The returned parameter must only be a single flag value.
This is a request for which tracking origin modes are supported. The provider is expected to set the supportedTrackingOriginModes parameter and return kUnitySubsystemErrorCodeSuccess. The returned parameter should be a cumulative list of all UnityXRInputTrackingOriginModeFlags that UnityXRInputProvider.HandleSetTrackingOriginMode is able to support.
This is a request from Unity to change the current tracking origin mode. The trackingOriginMode parameter is the desired tracking origin mode. The provider is expected to return kUnitySubsystemErrorCodeSuccess if the origin was able to be changed, and kUnitySubsystemErrorCodeSuccess otherwise. If the tracking origin mode is already the desired mode, the provider should do nothing and return kUnitySubsystemErrorCodeSuccess.
This is an event the provider can send that notifies Unity that the location of the tracking origin has changed. This must be called when UnityXRInputProvider.HandleSetTrackingOriginMode succeeds and moves the origin. This can also be called if the provider has had to change the origin due to a change in overall tracking information.
This is an event the provider can send that notifies Unity that there is a tracking boundary available, or that the tracking boundary has changed. This must be called if there is a boundary, and the tracking origin has changed such that it has moved the relative position of the boundary. This can be called with null, and 0 points in order to remove an existing tracking boundary.
This is a request for the haptic capabilities of a given device that the provider fills in. Setting supportsImpulse to true enables events for UnityXRInputProvider.HandleHapticImpulse. Setting supportsBuffer to true enables events for UnityXRInputProvider.HandleHapticBuffer.
Note: The capabilities structure allows the provider to set the number of channels and requests to start and stop haptics containing a channel index. This allows the provider to have multiple motors inside of a single device that can be rumbled independently. The first channel should be the most common motor to use, but subsequent ordering is provider-dependent.
This is a request for a device to rumble at a set amplitude, for a set duration. Unity fills in the data for this request. The buffer parameter is of type UnityXRHapticImpulse.
This is a request for a device to rumble a pattern, given a set buffer. Unity fills in the data for this request. The buffer parameter is of type UnityXRHapticUpdate.
The bufferSize is never more than the UnityXRHapticCapabilities.bufferMaxSize returned from the UnityXRInputProvider.QueryHapticCapabilities event.
This is a request from Unity for any haptic effects to stop. This should stop either impulse or buffered haptic effects on the supplied UnityXRInternalInputDeviceId.
Feature usages are simple string tags that provide context about your features and help Unity developers access your device in a generic way. You can declare your device as having a trigger, a device position, a menu button, or other shared concept of an input feature. Developers can access these and interact with your device without knowing exactly what it is. These are also used to route input data into UnityEngine.Input and UnityEngine.XR.InputTracking and decide on indices. A single input feature can have multiple usages, but each input feature you declare must have at least one usage assigned. If you chose to not use the usages Unity provides by default, you must let Unity know what you’ve used when submitting for certification, and be prepared to update your usage strings based on Unity’s feedback.
All world space usages are in meters, m/s, m/s2, or radians where appropriate. Space should be oriented as left-handed, z-forward, y-up. The space origin should be the position of the device on connection. This space is your own, and does not map directly into Unity world space.
These are the common usages available within Unity:
The following features are for devices that supply tracking in the real world. They are useful for identifying the current tracking capability:
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageIsTracked is a boolean that specifies if the device is currently tracking properly. True means fully tracked, false means either partially or not tracked.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTrackingState is a discrete state feature, backed by the UnityXRInputTrackingStateFlags enumeration, that identifies which actual tracking features are currently available and updating. This value must never be above kUnityXRInputTrackingStateAll.
The remaining tracking features relay individual data about specific ‘nodes’, such as the device, left eye, or a colour cameraA component which creates an image of a particular viewpoint in your scene. The output is either drawn to the screen or captured as a texture. More info
See in Glossary. They are grouped into sets of six, depending on the type of data. These must be updated in conjunction with the current value in kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTrackingState. That is, if the tracking state says position is available, all position usages must be updating correctly.
The usage prefixes are as follows:
Prefix | Description |
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageDevice | Generalized position of the input device |
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageCenterEye | Centralized average of all eye rendering locations |
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageLeftEye | Rendering location for a left eye |
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageRightEye | Rendering location for a right eye |
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageColorCamera | Location of any incoming camera feed |
Each of those prefixes has a series of available suffixes that represent various tracking attributes, and are as follows: * Position * Rotation * Velocity * AngularVelocity * Acceleration * AngularAcceleration
Not including these in the definition means they are never available. Including them, but tagging them as not available via a kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTrackingState feature, means that feature is not available currently, but could be available later.
These contain generalized device information rather than user-actuated controls. They are features of the device that the user does not have direct control over.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageBatteryLevel is a 1D axis feature that represents the current battery level of the device, where 0 is no battery, and 1 is fully charged. It must always be within the [0–1] range.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageUserPresence is a boolean that returns true when a user is currently wearing the headset.
These are two-dimensional analog float values, such as touchpads and joysticks. These controls are usually moved with the thumb. They provide both an X and Y, and should always be in the range of ([–1,1],[–1,1]).
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxis is a 2D axis feature that represents a touchpad or joystick. 0,0 is the idle position and Y-positive is away from the controller user.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxis is a 2D axis representing a second joystick or touchpad, used in addition to kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxis. 0,0 is the idle position and Y-positive is away from the controller user.
These are all single dimensional, analog float values. Buttons, triggers, and other controls that can be ‘half pressed’ are identified here.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTrigger is a 1D axis that maps to an index-actuated trigger. This must always be within the range of [0,1] where 0 is open and 1 is fully squeezed. If this is implemented, the device must also implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTriggerButton.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageGrip is a 1D axis that maps to a hand squeeze activated grip. This must always be within the range of [0,1] where 0 is open and 1 is fully squeezed. If this is implemented, the device must also implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageGripButton.
These are single dimensional, digital values. They can be actuated or not, but there is no further granularity.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimaryButton is a binary feature representing the primary button on a controller. This would commonly be used as an accept or advance button in menus. If this is actuated, then kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimaryTouch must be actuated as well, if it exists.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimaryTouch is a binary feature representing the touch state of a primary button on the controller. If this is implemented, the device must implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimaryButton.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondaryButton is a binary feature representing the secondary button on a controller. This would commonly be used as a back or alternate button. If this is actuated, then kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondaryTouch must be actuated as well if it exists.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondaryTouch is a binary feature representing the touch state of a secondary button on the controller. If this is implemented, the device must implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondaryButton.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageGripButton is a binary feature representing whether a hand-actuated squeeze is triggered. If this is implemented, the device must also implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageGrip.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTriggerButton is a boolean feature representing whether a hand-actuated squeeze is triggered. If this is implemented, the device must also implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageTrigger.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageMenuButton is a binary feature representing a non-gameplay pause or menu button. This is normally not in easy reach for the user.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxisClick is a binary feature representing a depression or click of the kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxis 2D axis. If this is implemented, the device must implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxis. If this is actuated, then kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxisTouch must be actuated as well, if it exists.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxisTouch is a binary feature representing a light touch of the kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxis 2D axis. If this is implemented, the device must implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsagePrimary2DAxis.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxisClick is a binary feature representing a depression or click of the kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxis 2D axis. If this is implemented, the device must implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxis. If this is actuated, then kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxisTouch must be actuated as well, if it exists.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxisTouch is a binary feature representing a light touch of the kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxis 2D axis. If this is implemented, the device must implement kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageSecondary2DAxis.
These represent individual sensor types. They are used as shorthand to search for hand and eye type data.
kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageHandData is a UnityXRHands feature representing hand tracking data. kUnityXRInputFeatureUsageEyesData is a UnityXREyes feature representing eye tracking data.
To enable users to bind to and use code to access your device properties when using the new Input System, you need to provide device layout descriptions as part of your input provider.
You should provide a device layout for each device type you define in the input provider.
If you don’t provide an explicit device layout for a device you register, users won’t be able to use the new Input System UI(User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. Unity currently supports three UI systems. More info
See in Glossary to bind to features on your device. The Input System will still receive device data, and users will be able to manually create bindings to your new device features.
For more information on Input System device layouts, see the Input System documentation. An example is provided below for ease of implementation.
This example provides a layout for a new Example VR Controller.
The Example VR Controller’s XRSDK layout definition is described as having:
- An Additional kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeBinary
which is called exampleButton
- A kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeAxis3D
value called examplePosition
- A kUnityXRInputFeatureTypeRotation
value called exampleRotation
To allow users to bind and control the device using the new Input System, you must provide a device layout for your new Example VR Controller.
First, you need to provide an InputControlLayout
attribute, and also provide an explicit name for use with the New Input System UI. Use the [Preseve]
attribute to ensure that these elements are not stripped from the compilation step.
[InputControlLayout(displayName = "Example VR Controller")]
public class ExampleVRController : XRController
Next, provide InputControl
mappings for the various elements defined in the XRSDK Layout.
Use [Preserve]
again to ensure that these elements are not stripped from the build. The use of the aliases
keyword allows the new Input System to perform common matching based on the aliases you provide.
[InputControl(aliases = new[] { "PrimaryButton" })]
public ButtonControl exampleButton { get; private set; }
public Vector3Control examplePosition { get; private set; }
public QuaternionControl exampleRotation { get; private set; }
Finally, provide an implementation of the FinishSetup
method which binds the control mapping to the instance of the control. Ensure you also call the base class’s FinishSetup
, otherwise the base controls are not bound.
protected override void FinishSetup()
exampleButton = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("exampleButton");
examplePosition = GetChildControl<Vector3Control>("examplePosition");
exampleRotation = GetChildControl<QuaternionControl>("exampleRotation");
The last step you need to perform is to register the new device layouts with the New Input System when you start the XRSDK Loader for these devices. The following code is an example of this implementation.
section with the correct matching strings to the product, or other strings provided by your XRSDK Input Provider when the device is connected.
public override bool Initialize()
static class InputLayoutLoader
static InputLayoutLoader()
public static void RegisterInputLayouts()
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
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