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Scriptable Brush example

Other useful classes


Select = 0 - Tool for Selection for a GridBrush

Move = 1- Tool for Moving for a GridBrush

Paint = 2 - Tool for Painting for a GridBrush

Box = 3 - Tool for Boxfill for a GridBrush

Pick = 4 - Tool for Picking for a GridBrush

Erase = 5 - Tool for Erasing for a GridBrush

Floodfill = 6 - Tool for Floodfill for a GridBrush


Clockwise = 0 - Clockwise rotation direction. Use this when rotating a Brush.

CounterClockwise = 1 - Counter clockwise rotation direction. Use this when rotating a Brush.


X = 0 - Flips along the X Axis. Use this when flipping a Brush.

Y = 1 - Flips along the Y Axis. Use this when flipping a Brush.

  • 2017–09–06 Page published
Scriptable Brush example