Version: 2022.1
  • C#



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Enumeration of AtomicSafetyHandle errors.

The members of the AtomicSafetyErrorType enumeration classify errors related to accessing NativeContainer instances, which are monitored by an AtomicSafetyHandle. The error messages for each of these error types can be overridden on a per-type basis.

See Also: AtomicSafetyHandle.SetCustomErrorMessage


DeallocatedCorresponds to an error triggered when the object protected by this AtomicSafetyHandle is accessed on the main thread after it is deallocated.
DeallocatedFromJobCorresponds to an error triggered when the object protected by this AtomicSafetyHandle is accessed by a worker thread after it is deallocated.
NotAllocatedFromJobCorresponds to an error triggered when the object protected by this AtomicSafetyHandle is accessed by a worker thread before it is allocated.