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Package Manager

The Package Manager settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then the Package Manager category) let you manage your scoped registries and modify the advanced settings for your current project.

Settings for the Package Manager
Settings for the Package Manager

(A) Add, modify, and remove scoped registries for your project under the Scoped Registries group, which contains the following areas:

    (1) The list of scoped registries currently defined for this project

    (2) The details for the selected scoped registry

(B) Under the Advanced Settings section, toggle whether or not preview packagesA preview package is in development and not yet ready for production. A package in preview might be at any stage of development, from the initial stages to near completion.
See in Glossary
and package dependencies are visible in the Package Manager window.

Scoped Registries

The Scoped Registries group displays a list of scoped registries already added to the current project on the left, and the details of the selected registry on the right.

For detailed information about scoped registries, including how to use and configure them with the Unity Package Manager, see the documentation on Scoped Registries.

Note: If you added a scoped registry but you don’t see it in the My Registries context or the My Registries context isn’t available at all, it might be because the package registry server you added does not implement the /-/v1/search or /-/all endpoints, which means that it is not compatible with Unity’s Package Manager.

Adding a new registry

To add a new scoped registry to your project:

  1. Select the + button at the bottom of the list. A new entry appears as New Scoped Registry in the list and blank values for the details on the right and the Revert and Apply buttons change to Cancel and Save buttons.
  2. Enter values for the Name, URL, and Scope(s) properties.
  3. If you need to specify more than one scope, select the + button underneath the last Scope(s) value. Another text box appears.
  4. When you are finished entering the information for the selected scoped registry, click Save. To cancel adding the new scoped registry entirely, click Cancel.

Modifying an existing registry

To modify an existing scoped registry:

  1. Select the registry you want to modify from the list on the left. The existing information appears on the right.
  2. Modify any of the Name, URL, and Scope(s) properties.
  3. When you are finished updating the information for the selected scoped registry, click Apply. To cancel adding the new scoped registry entirely, click Revert.

Removing a registry

To delete an existing scoped registry:

  1. Select the registry you want to delete from the list
  2. Click the - button underneath the list. A dialog box prompts you to confirm the removal.
  3. Click Ok to proceed or Cancel to leave it intact.

Advanced Settings

Use the Advanced Settings group to toggle the Enable Preview Packages and Show Dependencies settings for your current project.

Enable Preview Packages

Enable the Enable Preview Packages setting to display preview packages in the Package Manager window. Preview packages appear with the tag in both the list view and the details view, as a reminder of which packages are in preview.


By default this setting is disabled because you should only use preview packages for testing or providing feedback to the package developer. For more information about the preview state and the lifecycle of packages, see Package states and lifecycle.

Show Dependencies

Enable the Show Dependencies setting to:

  • Show any packages that are installed as indirect dependenciesAn indirect, or transitive dependency occurs when your project requests a package which itself “depends on” another package. For example, if your project depends on the alembic@1.0.7 package which in turn depends on the timeline@1.0.0 package, then your project has an direct dependency on Alembic and an indirect dependency on Timeline. More info
    See in Glossary
    in the Package Manager window’s list of packages.
  • Display a package’s dependency information in the package’s details on the Package Manager window. This includes the following:
    • Is using lists any packages that this package requires, including the specific version.
    • Used by lists the names and versions of any other packages that depend on this one.

Note: By default, this setting is disabled. For more information about how dependencies work with packages, see Dependency and resolution.

The same project with Show Dependencies disabled (left) and Show Dependencies enabled (right)
The same project with Show Dependencies disabled (left) and Show Dependencies enabled (right)

Scoped Registries, __Enable Preview Packages__ and __Show Dependencies__ project settings added in 2020.1 NewIn20201
