Version: 2020.3
Language : English
Data Explorer
Segment Builder

Funnel Analyzer page

Funnels track player progress through linear sequences of events, tasks, or actions in your game. You can use funnels to better understand how players move through important sequences and to detect possible bottlenecks where players run into problems. Create funnel reports on the Funnel Analyzer page of your AnalyticsAbbreviation of Unity Analytics
See in Glossary

Before creating a funnel report, you must implement the necessary Standard and Custom Events in your project. See FunnelsIn Analytics, a funnel is a linear sequence of standard or custom events that you expect a player to complete in order. More info
See in Glossary
for more information on designing, implementing, and analyzing funnels.

  • 2017–08–29 Page published
  • New feature in Unity 2017.1
Data Explorer
Segment Builder