Plastic SCM is version control software. For more information on Plastic SCM, see their website.
To set up Plastic SCM, see their documentation on setting up Plastic SCM. For information on setting up version control in Unity, see the documentation on version control.
Plastic SCM automatically checks files out if you have modified them. The only files that require specific checking out instructions are Project Settings files, otherwise you can’t change them.
You’ll need to perform a merge when you edit something in your Project locally which has also been edited remotely (a conflict). This means you need to review the changes before you can perform the merge. If Unity recognises that you need to perform a merge before you submit changes then it will prompt you to complete the merge. This will take you to the Plastic SCM client.
If incoming changes conflict with local changes then a question mark icon appears on the conflicting files in the incoming changes window. Here is a quick guide to resolving conflicts and merging with Plastic SCM:
To lock files with Plastic SCM, perform the following actions:
.rep:default lockserver:localhost:8087
В таком случае все .unity и .unity.meta файлы будут заблокированы для контроля в ‘default’ хранилище.
./plasticsd restart
.cm listlocks
Для дополнительной информации можете посетить раздел документации посвящённую Plastic SCM lock файлам.
PlasticSCM does not support remote activity, like Perforce does. As such, this functionality is unavailable for Plastic SCM in the Editor. Statuses such as: “Checked out Remote” or “Out of Sync” aren’t displayed in the Project Window.
For more information about working in distributed mode (DVCS) and offline with Plastic SCM see Plastic SCM’s Distributed Version Control Guide.