Version: 2019.2
NavMesh Link
Advanced NavMesh Bake Settings

NavMesh building components API

NavMesh building components provide you with additional controls for building (also known as baking) and using NavMeshes at run time and in the Unity Editor.

NavMesh Modifiers are not in the Unity standard install; see documentation on high-level NavMesh building components for information on how to access them.



  • agentTypeID – ID describing the Agent type the NavMesh should be built for.
  • collectObjects – Defines how input geometry is collected from the Scene, one of UnityEngine.AI.CollectObjects:
    • All – Use all objects in the scene.
    • Volume – Use all GameObjects in the Scene that touch the bounding volume (see size and center)
    • Children – use all objects which are children to the Game Object where the NavMesh Surface is attached to.
  • size – Dimensions of the build volume. The size is not affected by scaling.
  • center – Center of the build volume relative to the transform center.
  • layerMask – Bitmask defining the layers on which the GameObjects must be to be included in the baking.
  • useGeometry – Defines which geometry is used for baking, one of UnityEngine.NavMeshCollectGeometry:
    • RenderMeshes – Use geometry from render meshes and terrains
    • PhysicsColliders – Use geometry from colliders and terrains.
  • defaultArea – Default area type for all input geometries, unless otherwise specified.
  • ignoreNavMeshAgent – True if GameObjects with a Nav Mesh Agent component should be ignored as input.
  • ignoreNavMeshObstacle – True if GameObjects with a Nav Mesh Obstacle component should be ignored as input.
  • overrideTileSize – True if tile size is set.
  • tileSize – Tile size in voxels (the component description includes information on how to choose tile size).
  • overrideVoxelSize – True if the voxel size is set.
  • voxelSize – Size of the voxel in world units (the component description includes information on how to choose tile size).
  • buildHeightMesh – Not implemented.
  • bakedNavMeshData – Reference to the NavMeshData the surface uses, or null if not set.
  • activeSurfaces – List of all active NavMeshSurfaces.

Note: The above values affect how the bake results, and so you must call Bake() to include them.

Public Functions

  • void Bake ()

Bakes a new NavMeshData based on the parameters set on NavMesh Surface. The data can be accessed via bakedNavMeshData.

NavMesh Modifier


  • overrideArea – True if the modifier overrides area type.
  • area – New area type to apply.
  • ignoreFromBuild – True if the GameObject which contains the modifier and its children should be not be used to NavMesh baking.
  • activeModifiers – List of all active NavMeshModifiers.

Public Functions

  • bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)

Returns true if the modifier applies to the specified Agent type, otherwise false.

NavMesh Modifier Volume


  • size – Size of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform affects the size.
  • center – Center of the bounding volume in local space units. Transform affects the center.
  • area – Area type to apply for the NavMesh areas that are inside the bounding volume.

Public Functions

  • bool AffectsAgentType(int agentTypeID)

Returns true of the the modifier applies for the specified Agent type.

NavMesh Link


  • agentTypeID – The type of Agent that can use the link.
  • startPoint – Start point of the link in local space units. Transform affects the location.
  • endPoint – End point of the link in local space units. Transform affects the location.
  • width – Width of the link in world length units.
  • bidirectional – If true, the link can be traversed both ways. If false, the link can be traversed only from start to end.
  • autoUpdate – If true, the link updates the end points to follow the transform of the GameObject every frame.
  • area – Area type of the link (used for pathfinding cost).

Public Functions

  • void UpdateLink()

Updates the link to match the associated transform. This is useful for updating a link, for example after changing the transform position, but is not necessary if the autoUpdate property is enabled. However calling UpdateLink can have a much smaller performance impact if you rarely change the link transform.

  • 2017–05–26 Page published

  • New feature in 5.6

NavMesh Link
Advanced NavMesh Bake Settings