The Scene view has a set of navigation controls to help you move around quickly and efficiently.
The Scene Gizmo is in the upper-right corner of the Scene view. This displays the Scene view Camera’s current orientation, and allows you to quickly modify the viewing angle and projection mode.
The Scene Gizmo has a conical arm on each side of the cube. The arms at the forefront are labelled X, Y and Z. Click on any of the conical axis arms to snap the Scene view Camera to the axis it represents (for example: top view, left view and front view). You can also right-click the cube to bring up a menu with a list of viewing angles. To return to the default viewing angle, right-click the Scene Gizmo and click Free.
You can also toggle Perspective on and off. This changes the projection mode of the Scene view between Perspective and Orthographic (sometimes called ‘isometric’). To do this, click the cube in the centre of the Scene Gizmo, or the text below it. Orthographic view has no perspective, and is useful in combination with clicking one of the conical axis arms to get a front, top or side elevation.
(Escena encima del BITGEM)
If your Scene view is in an awkward viewpoint (upside-down, or just an angle you find confusing), Shift-click the cube at the centre of the Scene Gizmo to get back to a Perspective view with an angle that is looking at the Scene from the side and slightly from above.
Haga clic en el candado en la esquina superior derecha del Scene Gizmo para habilitar o deshabilitar la rotación de la escena. Una vez que la rotación de la escena está desactivada, al hacer clic con el botón derecho del mouse se abre la vista en lugar de girarla. Esto es lo mismo que la Hand Tool (ver Hand tool, a continuación).
Tenga en cuenta que en 2D Mode el Scene Gizmo no se muestra, ya que la única opción es tener la vista mirando perpendicularmente el plano XY.
En un Mac con un trackpad, usted puede arrastrar con dos dedos para acercar la vista.
You can also use three fingers to simulate the effect of clicking the arms of the Scene Gizmo: drag up, left, right or down to snap the Scene view Camera to the corresponding direction. In OS X 10.7 “Lion” you may have to change your trackpad settings in order to enable this feature:
Moving, orbiting and zooming are key operations in Scene view navigation. Unity provides several ways to perform them for maximum accessibility:
Usted puede utilizar las Arrow Keys para moverse alrededor de la Escena como si estuviera “caminando” a través de ella. Las teclas hacia arriba y abajo mueven la Cámara hacia adelante y para atrás en la dirección que está encarando. Las flechas izquierda y derecha desplazan la vista hacia los lados. Mantenga pulsada la tecla Shift con una flecha para moverse más rápido.
Cuando el Hand Tool sea seleccionado (Acceso Rápido: Q), los siguientes controles del mouse están disponibles:
Move: Clic y arrastre para arrastrar la cámara alrededor.
Orbit: Mantenga Alt, y haga clic izquierdo y arrastre para orbitar la cámara alrededor del punto de pivote actual. Esta opción no está disponible en modo 2D, porque la vista es ortográfica.
Zoom: Hold Alt, and right-click and drag to zoom the Scene view. On Mac you can also hold Control, and left-click and drag instead.
Mantenga Shifht para aumentar la tasa de movimiento y acercamiento.
Use Flythrough mode to navigate the Scene view by flying around in first-person, similar to how you would navigate in many games.
El modo Flythrough está diseñado para el modo Perspective. En modo Orthographic, mantenga presionado el botón derecho del mouse y mueva el muse para orbitar la Cámara.
Note that Flythrough mode is not available in 2D mode. Instead, holding the right mouse button down while moving the mouse pans around the Scene view.
To change the current speed of the Camera in the Scene view, click the Camera icon in the toolbar. In Flythrough mode you can change the Camera speed while moving around the Scene. To do this, use the mouse scroll wheel or drag two fingers on a trackpad.
For more information, see the documentation on Camera settings.
Para una eficiencia extra, todos de estos controles pueden ser usados independientemente de la herramienta transform(transform tool) seleccionada. Los controles más convenientes dependen en qué mouse o track-pad esté usando:
Acción | Mouse de 3-botones | Mouse de 2-botones o track-pad | Mac con solo un botón de mouse o track-pad |
Moverse | Mantenga oprimido Alt+botón de la mitad del mouse, luego arrastre | Mantenga oprimido Alt+Control+clic-izquierdo, luego arrastre | Mantenga oprimido Alt+Command+left-click, luego arrastre |
Orbitar (No está disponible en modo 2D) | Mantenga Alt+clic-izquierdo, luego arrastre | Mantenga Alt+clic-izquierdo, luego arrastre | Mantenga Alt+clic-izquierdo, luego arrastre |
Zoom | Use the scroll wheel, or hold Alt+right-click, then drag | Mantenga oprimido Alt+clic-derecho, luego arrastre | Utilice el método de deslizamiento con dos dedos para desplazarse hacia adentro y hacia afuera, o mantenga oprimido Alt-Control+clic-izquierdo, luego arrastre |
Change speed (only available in Flythrough mode) | Use the scroll wheel while moving. | Drag with two fingers while moving. | Drag with two fingers while moving. |
To center the Scene view on a GameObject, select the GameObject in the Hierarchy, then move the mouse over the Scene view and press F. This feature can also be found in the menu bar under Edit > Frame Selected. To lock the view to the GameObject even when the GameObject is moving, press Shift+F. This feature can also be found in the menu bar under Edit > Lock View to Selected.
The Scene Gizmo is secretly known as the Tetraxial Perspectagon.
2019–02–08 Page amended
Scene view Camera settings added in 2019.1