Version: 2019.2
Un Glosario de términos de Animación
Timeline overview


Unitys Timeline
Unity’s Timeline

Use Timeline (línea de tiempo) de Unity para crear contenido cinematográfico, secuencias de juego, secuencias de audio y efectos complejos de partículas.

Each cut-scene, cinematic, or game-play sequence that you create with Unity’s Timeline consists of a Timeline Asset and a Timeline instance. The Timeline window creates and modifies Timeline Assets and Timeline instances simultaneously.

The Timeline Overview section includes details on the relationship between the Timeline window, Timeline Assets, and Timeline instances.

The Using Timeline section shows how to create Timeline Assets and Timeline instances, record basic animation, animate humanoids, and use other Timeline features.

  • 2019–08–20 Page published

  • Nuevas características de Unity 2017.1 NewIn20171

Un Glosario de términos de Animación
Timeline overview