Custom Render Textures are an extension to Render Textures, enabling you to render directly to the Texture using a Shader.
Custom Render Textures are an extension to Render Textures allowing you easily to update the texture with a Shader and then use it in a regular Material. This is useful for implementing all kinds of complex simulations, for instance: water caustics, ripple simulations for rain effects, or splatting liquids against a wall. Also provided is a scripting and Shader framework to help with more complicated configurations like partial or multi-pass updates, and varying update frequency.
cubemapFaceMask | Bitfield that allows to enable or disable update on each of the cubemap faces. Order from least significant bit is +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z. |
doubleBuffered | If true, the Custom Render Texture is double buffered so that you can access it during its own update. otherwise the Custom Render Texture will be not be double buffered. |
initializationColor | Color with which the Custom Render Texture is initialized. This parameter will be ignored if an initializationMaterial is set. |
initializationMaterial | Material with which the Custom Render Texture is initialized. Initialization texture and color are ignored if this parameter is set. |
initializationMode | Specify how the texture should be initialized. |
initializationSource | Specify if the texture should be initialized with a Texture and a Color or a Material. |
initializationTexture | Texture with which the Custom Render Texture is initialized (multiplied by the initialization color). This parameter will be ignored if an initializationMaterial is set. |
material | Material with which the content of the Custom Render Texture is updated. |
shaderPass | Shader Pass used to update the Custom Render Texture. |
updateMode | Specify how the texture should be updated. |
updateZoneSpace | Space in which the update zones are expressed (Normalized or Pixel space). |
wrapUpdateZones | If true, Update zones will wrap around the border of the Custom Render Texture. Otherwise, Update zones will be clamped at the border of the Custom Render Texture. |
CustomRenderTexture | Create a new Custom Render Texture. |
ClearUpdateZones | Clear all Update Zones. |
GetUpdateZones | Returns the list of Update Zones. |
Initialize | Triggers an initialization of the Custom Render Texture. |
SetUpdateZones | Setup the list of Update Zones for the Custom Render Texture. |
Update | Triggers the update of the Custom Render Texture. |
active | Render texture actualmente activa. |
hideFlags | ¿Debería el objeto estar oculto, guardado con la escena o modificable por el usuario? |
name | El nombre del objeto. |
antiAliasing | El nivel antialiasing para la RenderTexture. |
autoGenerateMips | Mipmap levels are generated automatically when this flag is set. |
bindTextureMS | If true and antiAliasing is greater than 1, the render texture will not be resolved by default. Use this if the render texture needs to be bound as a multisampled texture in a shader. |
colorBuffer | Buffer de color de la render texture (Lectura solamente). |
depth | The precision of the render texture's depth buffer in bits (0, 16, 24/32 are supported). |
depthBuffer | Depth/stencil buffer de la render texture (lectura solamente). |
descriptor | This struct contains all the information required to create a RenderTexture. It can be copied, cached, and reused to easily create RenderTextures that all share the same properties. |
dimension | Dimensionalidad (tipo) de la render texture. |
enableRandomWrite | Habilita la escritura de acceso aleatoria a esta render texture en Shader Model 5.0 level shaders. |
format | El formato de color de la render texture. |
height | La altura de la render texture en pixeles. |
memorylessMode | The render texture memoryless mode property. |
sRGB | Does this render texture use sRGB read/write conversions? (Read Only). |
useDynamicScale | Is the render texture marked to be scaled by the Dynamic Resolution system. |
useMipMap | Render texture has mipmaps when this flag is set. |
volumeDepth | Volume extent of a 3D render texture or number of slices of array texture. |
vrUsage | If this RenderTexture is a VR eye texture used in stereoscopic rendering, this property decides what special rendering occurs, if any. |
width | El ancho de la render texture en pixeles. |
anisoLevel | Nivel de filtrado anisotrópico de la textura. |
dimension | Dimensionalidad (tipo) de la textura (lectura solamente). |
filterMode | Modo de filtrado de la textura. |
height | Altura de la textura en pixels. (Read Only) |
imageContentsHash | The hash value of the Texture. |
mipMapBias | Mip map bias de la textura. |
updateCount | This counter is incremented when the texture is updated. |
width | Anchura de la textura en píxeles. (Read Only) |
wrapMode | Texture coordinate wrapping mode. |
wrapModeU | Texture U coordinate wrapping mode. |
wrapModeV | Texture V coordinate wrapping mode. |
wrapModeW | Texture W coordinate wrapping mode for Texture3D. |
GetInstanceID | Devuelve el id de la instancia del objeto. |
ToString | Returns the name of the GameObject. |
ConvertToEquirect | Converts the render texture to equirectangular format (both stereoscopic or monoscopic equirect). The left eye will occupy the top half and the right eye will occupy the bottom. The monoscopic version will occupy the whole texture. Texture dimension must be of type TextureDimension.Cube. |
Create | En realidad crea la RenderTexture. |
DiscardContents | Hint the GPU driver that the contents of the RenderTexture will not be used. |
GenerateMips | Generate mipmap levels of a render texture. |
GetNativeDepthBufferPtr | Recupera un apuntador (API gráfica subyacente) nativo al recurso del depth buffer. |
IsCreated | Es la render texture en realidad creada? |
MarkRestoreExpected | Indica que hay una operación de restauración RenderTexture esperada. |
Release | Suelta la RenderTexture. |
ResolveAntiAliasedSurface | Force an antialiased render texture to be resolved. |
SetGlobalShaderProperty | Asigna esta RenderTexture como una propiedad global shader llamada propertyName. |
GetNativeTexturePtr | Recupere un puntero nativo (API de gráficos subyacente) al recurso de textura. |
IncrementUpdateCount | Increment the update counter. |
Destroy | Elimina un gameobject, componente o asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Hace que el objeto target no sea destruido automáticamente cuando se cargue una nueva escena. |
FindObjectOfType | Devuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Devuelve una lista de todos los objetos activos cargados de tipo type. |
Instantiate | Clona el objeto original y devuelve el clon. |
GetTemporary | Asigna una render texture temporal. |
ReleaseTemporary | Soltar una textura temporal asignada con GetTemporary. |
SupportsStencil | Esta RenderTexture tiene un stencil buffer? |
SetGlobalAnisotropicFilteringLimits | Establece límites anisotrópicos. |
bool | ¿Existe el objeto? |
operator != | Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente. |
operator == | Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto. |