Representa el importador de plugins.
isNativePlugin | Es el plugin nativo o manejado? Tenga en cuenta: Las librerías con soporte CLR se tratan como plugins nativos, ya que Unity no puede cargar esas librerías. Usted todavía puede accederlas mediante P/Invoke. |
PluginImporter | Constructor. |
ClearSettings | Clear all plugin settings and set the compatability with Any Platform to true. |
GetCompatibleWithAnyPlatform | Checks whether a plugin is flagged as being compatible with Any Platform. |
GetCompatibleWithEditor | Es el plugin compatible con el editor. |
GetCompatibleWithPlatform | Es el plugin compatible con la plataforma especificada. |
GetEditorData | Retorna datos específicos del editor para la key especificada. |
GetExcludeEditorFromAnyPlatform | Is Editor excluded when Any Platform is set to true. |
GetExcludeFromAnyPlatform | Is platform excluded when Any Platform set to true. |
GetIsOverridable | Identifies whether or not this plugin will be overridden if a plugin of the same name is placed in your project folder. |
GetPlatformData | Obtiene datos específicos de plataforma. |
SetCompatibleWithAnyPlatform | Sets compatibility with Any Platform. |
SetCompatibleWithEditor | Sets compatibility with any editor. |
SetCompatibleWithPlatform | Sets compatibility with the specified platform. |
SetEditorData | Sets editor specific data. |
SetExcludeEditorFromAnyPlatform | Exclude Editor from compatible platforms when Any Platform is set to true. |
SetExcludeFromAnyPlatform | Exclude platform from compatible platforms when Any Platform is set to true. |
SetIncludeInBuildDelegate | Setting the delegate function to be called by ShouldIncludeInBuild. |
SetPlatformData | Sets platform specific data. |
ShouldIncludeInBuild | Identifies whether or not this plugin should be included in the current build target. |
GetAllImporters | Devuelve todos los importadores plugin para todas las plataformas. |
GetImporters | Retorna todos los importadores plugin para la plataforma especificada. |
IncludeInBuildDelegate | Delegate to be used with SetIncludeInBuildDelegate. |
assetBundleName | Get or set the AssetBundle name. |
assetBundleVariant | Get or set the AssetBundle variant. |
assetPath | The path name of the asset for this importer. (Read Only) |
importSettingsMissing | The value is true when no meta file is provided with the imported asset. |
userData | Get or set any user data. |
hideFlags | ¿Debería el objeto estar oculto, guardado con la escena o modificable por el usuario? |
name | El nombre del objeto. |
AddRemap | Map a sub-asset from an imported asset (such as an FBX file) to an external Asset of the same type. |
GetExternalObjectMap | Gets a copy of the external object map used by the AssetImporter. |
RemoveRemap | Removes an item from the map of external objects. |
SaveAndReimport | Save asset importer settings if asset importer is dirty. |
SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant | Set the AssetBundle name and variant. |
GetInstanceID | Devuelve el id de la instancia del objeto. |
ToString | Returns the name of the GameObject. |
GetAtPath | Retrieves the asset importer for the asset at path. |
Destroy | Elimina un gameobject, componente o asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Hace que el objeto target no sea destruido automáticamente cuando se cargue una nueva escena. |
FindObjectOfType | Devuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Devuelve una lista de todos los objetos activos cargados de tipo type. |
Instantiate | Clona el objeto original y devuelve el clon. |
bool | ¿Existe el objeto? |
operator != | Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente. |
operator == | Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto. |