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Packages and feature sets

A package contains features to fit the various needs of your project. This can include any core features of Unity that are installed along with the Editor, or other packages that you can install as needed.

有关使用包的更多一般信息,请参阅使用 Package Manager

Feature sets are bundles of related packages that you can either use to accomplish a specific objective, such as building environments or optimizing specific platforms, or to find all the development tools you need in one place.

If you are only interested in finding documentation or information about a specific package, click the links on the Released packages, Pre-release packages, Core packages and Built-in packages pages. To find a package by keyword, see the Packages by keywords page.

有关借助 Unity Package Manager 来使用包的信息,请单击下表提供的指向相应文档各个主题的链接:

您想做什么? 查看此文档:
Get an introduction to packages 概念部分解释了 Package Manager 的原理和功能,包括版本、清单、注册表、状态、源和包的生命周期等基本概念,以及依赖和解析

查找包解释了如何使用 Package Manager 窗口来:

- 查找每个包的特定版本。
- 查找可以导入或下载到项目中的 Asset Store 资源包。

Package Manager 窗口部分解释了如何与 Unity 中的 Unity Package Manager 交互。
Learn about feature sets The main Feature sets page gives an overview of what a feature set is, and lists which feature sets are available in this version of the Editor. You can also find out about:

- How to find out more about a feature set (details view)
- How to install a feature set
- How feature sets lock their packages and what you can do to update them anyways
安装包 These pages describe how to use the Package Manager window to install packages from the following sources:

- Installing from the registry
- Installing from a local folder
- Installing from a local tarball file
- Installing from a Git URL

Embedded dependencies describes where to put your package in order to embed it in your project. You can either embed a package manually, or use the Scripting API to embed a package that is already installed in your project.

Switching to another package version describes how to use the Package Manager window to switch versions of a package that is already installed.

Removing an installed package describes how to use the Package Manager window to remove a package from your project.

Disabling a built-in package describes how to use the Package Manager window to enable and disable built-in packages.
使用 Asset Store 资源包 有关直接在 Package Manager 窗口中使用 Asset Store 资源包的信息,请参阅:

- 导入 Asset Store 资源包
-更新您的 Asset Store 资源包
对包进行故障排除 如果项目的任何包(包括 Package Manager 窗口 本身)无法正确加载,请参阅故障排除包冲突部分。
进一步了解如何使用清单 项目清单参考页面介绍了每个属性,包括哪些值有效以及各个值的作用。

检查包参考页面介绍了如何在 Inspector 中查看包清单。如果包是可变的(可编辑的),那么还可以使用 Inspector 来修改清单本身。
了解包的高级使用方式 要开始创建与 Package Manager 交互的脚本,请参阅包的脚本 API。本页面概要介绍了如何使用 Package Manager API 和代码示例(说明如何浏览包列表将包添加到项目以及嵌入已在项目中安装的包)。

除了标准 Unity 注册表之外,如果还想了解有关如何使用自己的包注册表服务器的信息,请参阅有作用域的包注册表
在包中构建和共享您自己的工具和资源 自定义包部分完整介绍了如何构建您自己的包。此部分介绍了自定义包的要求,例如命名和文件结构。还介绍了如何填充包清单、共享包等。

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New in Unity 2021 LTS
Released packages