ID | 类 |
0 | Object |
1 | GameObject |
2 | Component |
3 | LevelGameManager |
4 | Transform |
5 | TimeManager |
6 | GlobalGameManager |
8 | Behaviour |
9 | GameManager |
11 | AudioManager |
13 | InputManager |
18 | EditorExtension |
19 | Physics2DSettings |
20 | Camera |
21 | Material |
23 | MeshRenderer |
25 | Renderer |
27 | 纹理 |
28 | Texture2D |
29 | OcclusionCullingSettings |
30 | GraphicsSettings |
33 | MeshFilter |
41 | OcclusionPortal |
43 | Mesh |
45 | Skybox |
47 | QualitySettings |
48 | Shader |
49 | TextAsset |
50 | Rigidbody2D |
53 | Collider2D |
54 | 刚体 |
55 | PhysicsManager |
56 | Collider |
57 | Joint |
58 | CircleCollider2D |
59 | HingeJoint |
60 | PolygonCollider2D |
61 | BoxCollider2D |
62 | PhysicsMaterial2D |
64 | MeshCollider |
65 | BoxCollider |
66 | CompositeCollider2D |
68 | EdgeCollider2D |
70 | CapsuleCollider2D |
72 | ComputeShader |
74 | AnimationClip |
75 | ConstantForce |
78 | TagManager |
81 | AudioListener |
82 | AudioSource |
83 | AudioClip |
84 | RenderTexture |
86 | CustomRenderTexture |
89 | Cubemap |
90 | Avatar |
91 | AnimatorController |
93 | RuntimeAnimatorController |
94 | ShaderNameRegistry |
95 | Animator |
96 | TrailRenderer |
98 | DelayedCallManager |
102 | TextMesh |
104 | RenderSettings |
108 | Light |
109 | ShaderInclude |
110 | BaseAnimationTrack |
111 | Animation |
114 | MonoBehaviour |
115 | MonoScript |
116 | MonoManager |
117 | Texture3D |
118 | NewAnimationTrack |
119 | Projector |
120 | LineRenderer |
121 | Flare |
122 | Halo |
123 | LensFlare |
124 | FlareLayer |
126 | NavMeshProjectSettings |
128 | Font |
129 | PlayerSettings |
130 | NamedObject |
134 | PhysicMaterial |
135 | SphereCollider |
136 | CapsuleCollider |
137 | SkinnedMeshRenderer |
138 | FixedJoint |
141 | BuildSettings |
142 | AssetBundle |
143 | CharacterController |
144 | CharacterJoint |
145 | SpringJoint |
146 | WheelCollider |
147 | ResourceManager |
150 | PreloadData |
152 | MovieTexture |
153 | ConfigurableJoint |
154 | TerrainCollider |
156 | TerrainData |
157 | LightmapSettings |
158 | WebCamTexture |
159 | EditorSettings |
162 | EditorUserSettings |
164 | AudioReverbFilter |
165 | AudioHighPassFilter |
166 | AudioChorusFilter |
167 | AudioReverbZone |
168 | AudioEchoFilter |
169 | AudioLowPassFilter |
170 | AudioDistortionFilter |
171 | SparseTexture |
180 | AudioBehaviour |
181 | AudioFilter |
182 | WindZone |
183 | Cloth |
184 | SubstanceArchive |
185 | ProceduralMaterial |
186 | ProceduralTexture |
187 | Texture2DArray |
188 | CubemapArray |
191 | OffMeshLink |
192 | OcclusionArea |
193 | Tree |
195 | NavMeshAgent |
196 | NavMeshSettings |
198 | ParticleSystem |
199 | ParticleSystemRenderer |
200 | ShaderVariantCollection |
205 | LODGroup |
206 | BlendTree |
207 | Motion |
208 | NavMeshObstacle |
210 | SortingGroup |
212 | SpriteRenderer |
213 | Sprite |
214 | CachedSpriteAtlas |
215 | ReflectionProbe |
218 | Terrain |
220 | LightProbeGroup |
221 | AnimatorOverrideController |
222 | CanvasRenderer |
223 | 画布 |
224 | RectTransform |
225 | CanvasGroup |
226 | BillboardAsset |
227 | BillboardRenderer |
228 | SpeedTreeWindAsset |
229 | AnchoredJoint2D |
230 | Joint2D |
231 | SpringJoint2D |
232 | DistanceJoint2D |
233 | HingeJoint2D |
234 | SliderJoint2D |
235 | WheelJoint2D |
236 | ClusterInputManager |
237 | BaseVideoTexture |
238 | NavMeshData |
240 | AudioMixer |
241 | AudioMixerController |
243 | AudioMixerGroupController |
244 | AudioMixerEffectController |
245 | AudioMixerSnapshotController |
246 | PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D |
247 | ConstantForce2D |
248 | Effector2D |
249 | AreaEffector2D |
250 | PointEffector2D |
251 | PlatformEffector2D |
252 | SurfaceEffector2D |
253 | BuoyancyEffector2D |
254 | RelativeJoint2D |
255 | FixedJoint2D |
256 | FrictionJoint2D |
257 | TargetJoint2D |
258 | LightProbes |
259 | LightProbeProxyVolume |
271 | SampleClip |
272 | AudioMixerSnapshot |
273 | AudioMixerGroup |
290 | AssetBundleManifest |
300 | RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManager |
310 | UnityConnectSettings |
319 | AvatarMask |
320 | PlayableDirector |
328 | VideoPlayer |
329 | VideoClip |
330 | ParticleSystemForceField |
331 | SpriteMask |
363 | OcclusionCullingData |
1001 | PrefabInstance |
1002 | EditorExtensionImpl |
1003 | AssetImporter |
1005 | Mesh3DSImporter |
1006 | TextureImporter |
1007 | ShaderImporter |
1008 | ComputeShaderImporter |
1020 | AudioImporter |
1026 | HierarchyState |
1028 | AssetMetaData |
1029 | DefaultAsset |
1030 | DefaultImporter |
1031 | TextScriptImporter |
1032 | SceneAsset |
1034 | NativeFormatImporter |
1035 | MonoImporter |
1038 | LibraryAssetImporter |
1040 | ModelImporter |
1041 | FBXImporter |
1042 | TrueTypeFontImporter |
1045 | EditorBuildSettings |
1048 | InspectorExpandedState |
1049 | AnnotationManager |
1050 | PluginImporter |
1051 | EditorUserBuildSettings |
1055 | IHVImageFormatImporter |
1101 | AnimatorStateTransition |
1102 | AnimatorState |
1105 | HumanTemplate |
1107 | AnimatorStateMachine |
1108 | PreviewAnimationClip |
1109 | AnimatorTransition |
1110 | SpeedTreeImporter |
1111 | AnimatorTransitionBase |
1112 | SubstanceImporter |
1113 | LightmapParameters |
1120 | LightingDataAsset |
1124 | SketchUpImporter |
1125 | BuildReport |
1126 | PackedAssets |
1127 | VideoClipImporter |
100000 | int |
100001 | bool |
100002 | 浮点精度 |
100003 | MonoObject |
100004 | Collision |
100005 | Vector3f |
100006 | RootMotionData |
100007 | Collision2D |
100008 | AudioMixerLiveUpdateFloat |
100009 | AudioMixerLiveUpdateBool |
100010 | Polygon2D |
100011 | void |
19719996 | TilemapCollider2D |
41386430 | AssetImporterLog |
73398921 | VFXRenderer |
156049354 | Grid |
156483287 | ScenesUsingAssets |
171741748 | ArticulationBody |
181963792 | Preset |
285090594 | IConstraint |
294290339 | AssemblyDefinitionReferenceImporter |
369655926 | AssetImportInProgressProxy |
382020655 | PluginBuildInfo |
387306366 | MemorySettings |
426301858 | EditorProjectAccess |
468431735 | PrefabImporter |
483693784 | TilemapRenderer |
612988286 | SpriteAtlasAsset |
638013454 | SpriteAtlasDatabase |
641289076 | AudioBuildInfo |
644342135 | CachedSpriteAtlasRuntimeData |
662584278 | AssemblyDefinitionReferenceAsset |
668709126 | BuiltAssetBundleInfoSet |
687078895 | SpriteAtlas |
747330370 | RayTracingShaderImporter |
815301076 | PreviewImporter |
825902497 | RayTracingShader |
850595691 | LightingSettings |
877146078 | PlatformModuleSetup |
890905787 | VersionControlSettings |
893571522 | CustomCollider2D |
895512359 | AimConstraint |
937362698 | VFXManager |
954905827 | RuleSetFileAsset |
994735392 | VisualEffectSubgraph |
994735403 | VisualEffectSubgraphOperator |
994735404 | VisualEffectSubgraphBlock |
1001480554 | Prefab |
1027052791 | LocalizationImporter |
1114811875 | ReferencesArtifactGenerator |
1152215463 | AssemblyDefinitionAsset |
1154873562 | SceneVisibilityState |
1183024399 | LookAtConstraint |
1210832254 | SpriteAtlasImporter |
1223240404 | MultiArtifactTestImporter |
1268269756 | GameObjectRecorder |
1325145578 | LightingDataAssetParent |
1386491679 | PresetManager |
1403656975 | StreamingManager |
1480428607 | LowerResBlitTexture |
1521398425 | VideoBuildInfo |
1542919678 | StreamingController |
1736697216 | AndroidAssetPackImporter |
1742807556 | GridLayout |
1766753193 | AssemblyDefinitionImporter |
1773428102 | ParentConstraint |
1777034230 | RuleSetFileImporter |
1818360608 | PositionConstraint |
1818360609 | RotationConstraint |
1818360610 | ScaleConstraint |
1839735485 | Tilemap |
1896753125 | PackageManifest |
1896753126 | PackageManifestImporter |
1953259897 | TerrainLayer |
1971053207 | SpriteShapeRenderer |
2058629509 | VisualEffectAsset |
2058629510 | VisualEffectImporter |
2058629511 | VisualEffectResource |
2059678085 | VisualEffectObject |
2083052967 | VisualEffect |
2083778819 | LocalizationAsset |
2089858483 | ScriptedImporter |
2103361453 | ShaderIncludeImporter |
ID | 类 |
AimConstraint | 895512359 |
AnchoredJoint2D | 229 |
AndroidAssetPackImporter | 1736697216 |
动画 | 111 |
AnimationClip | 74 |
Animator | 95 |
AnimatorController | 91 |
AnimatorOverrideController | 221 |
AnimatorState | 1102 |
AnimatorStateMachine | 1107 |
AnimatorStateTransition | 1101 |
AnimatorTransition | 1109 |
AnimatorTransitionBase | 1111 |
AnnotationManager | 1049 |
AreaEffector2D | 249 |
ArticulationBody | 171741748 |
AssemblyDefinitionAsset | 1152215463 |
AssemblyDefinitionImporter | 1766753193 |
AssemblyDefinitionReferenceAsset | 662584278 |
AssemblyDefinitionReferenceImporter | 294290339 |
AssetBundle | 142 |
AssetBundleManifest | 290 |
AssetImporter | 1003 |
AssetImporterLog | 41386430 |
AssetImportInProgressProxy | 369655926 |
AssetMetaData | 1028 |
AudioBehaviour | 180 |
AudioBuildInfo | 641289076 |
AudioChorusFilter | 166 |
AudioClip | 83 |
AudioDistortionFilter | 170 |
AudioEchoFilter | 168 |
AudioFilter | 181 |
AudioHighPassFilter | 165 |
AudioImporter | 1020 |
AudioListener | 81 |
AudioLowPassFilter | 169 |
AudioManager | 11 |
AudioMixer | 240 |
AudioMixerController | 241 |
AudioMixerEffectController | 244 |
AudioMixerGroup | 273 |
AudioMixerGroupController | 243 |
AudioMixerLiveUpdateBool | 100009 |
AudioMixerLiveUpdateFloat | 100008 |
AudioMixerSnapshot | 272 |
AudioMixerSnapshotController | 245 |
AudioReverbFilter | 164 |
AudioReverbZone | 167 |
AudioSource | 82 |
Avatar | 90 |
AvatarMask | 319 |
BaseAnimationTrack | 110 |
BaseVideoTexture | 237 |
Behaviour | 8 |
BillboardAsset | 226 |
BillboardRenderer | 227 |
BlendTree | 206 |
bool | 100001 |
BoxCollider | 65 |
BoxCollider2D | 61 |
BuildReport | 1125 |
BuildSettings | 141 |
BuiltAssetBundleInfoSet | 668709126 |
BuoyancyEffector2D | 253 |
CachedSpriteAtlas | 214 |
CachedSpriteAtlasRuntimeData | 644342135 |
Camera | 20 |
Canvas | 223 |
CanvasGroup | 225 |
CanvasRenderer | 222 |
CapsuleCollider | 136 |
CapsuleCollider2D | 70 |
CharacterController | 143 |
CharacterJoint | 144 |
CircleCollider2D | 58 |
Cloth | 183 |
ClusterInputManager | 236 |
Collider | 56 |
Collider2D | 53 |
Collision | 100004 |
Collision2D | 100007 |
Component | 2 |
CompositeCollider2D | 66 |
ComputeShader | 72 |
ComputeShaderImporter | 1008 |
ConfigurableJoint | 153 |
ConstantForce | 75 |
ConstantForce2D | 247 |
Cubemap | 89 |
CubemapArray | 188 |
CustomCollider2D | 893571522 |
CustomRenderTexture | 86 |
DefaultAsset | 1029 |
DefaultImporter | 1030 |
DelayedCallManager | 98 |
DistanceJoint2D | 232 |
EdgeCollider2D | 68 |
EditorBuildSettings | 1045 |
EditorExtension | 18 |
EditorExtensionImpl | 1002 |
EditorProjectAccess | 426301858 |
EditorSettings | 159 |
EditorUserBuildSettings | 1051 |
EditorUserSettings | 162 |
Effector2D | 248 |
FBXImporter | 1041 |
FixedJoint | 138 |
FixedJoint2D | 255 |
Flare | 121 |
FlareLayer | 124 |
float | 100002 |
Font | 128 |
FrictionJoint2D | 256 |
GameManager | 9 |
游戏对象 | 1 |
GameObjectRecorder | 1268269756 |
GlobalGameManager | 6 |
GraphicsSettings | 30 |
Grid | 156049354 |
GridLayout | 1742807556 |
Halo | 122 |
HierarchyState | 1026 |
HingeJoint | 59 |
HingeJoint2D | 233 |
HumanTemplate | 1105 |
IConstraint | 285090594 |
IHVImageFormatImporter | 1055 |
InputManager | 13 |
InspectorExpandedState | 1048 |
int | 100000 |
Joint | 57 |
Joint2D | 230 |
LensFlare | 123 |
LevelGameManager | 3 |
LibraryAssetImporter | 1038 |
Light | 108 |
LightingDataAsset | 1120 |
LightingDataAssetParent | 1325145578 |
LightingSettings | 850595691 |
LightmapParameters | 1113 |
LightmapSettings | 157 |
LightProbeGroup | 220 |
LightProbeProxyVolume | 259 |
LightProbes | 258 |
LineRenderer | 120 |
LocalizationAsset | 2083778819 |
LocalizationImporter | 1027052791 |
LODGroup | 205 |
LookAtConstraint | 1183024399 |
LowerResBlitTexture | 1480428607 |
Material | 21 |
MemorySettings | 387306366 |
Mesh | 43 |
Mesh3DSImporter | 1005 |
MeshCollider | 64 |
MeshFilter | 33 |
MeshRenderer | 23 |
ModelImporter | 1040 |
MonoBehaviour | 114 |
MonoImporter | 1035 |
MonoManager | 116 |
MonoObject | 100003 |
MonoScript | 115 |
Motion | 207 |
MovieTexture | 152 |
MultiArtifactTestImporter | 1223240404 |
NamedObject | 130 |
NativeFormatImporter | 1034 |
NavMeshAgent | 195 |
NavMeshData | 238 |
NavMeshObstacle | 208 |
NavMeshProjectSettings | 126 |
NavMeshSettings | 196 |
NewAnimationTrack | 118 |
Object | 0 |
OcclusionArea | 192 |
OcclusionCullingData | 363 |
OcclusionCullingSettings | 29 |
OcclusionPortal | 41 |
OffMeshLink | 191 |
PackageManifest | 1896753125 |
PackageManifestImporter | 1896753126 |
PackedAssets | 1126 |
ParentConstraint | 1773428102 |
ParticleSystem | 198 |
ParticleSystemForceField | 330 |
ParticleSystemRenderer | 199 |
PhysicMaterial | 134 |
Physics2DSettings | 19 |
PhysicsManager | 55 |
PhysicsMaterial2D | 62 |
PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D | 246 |
PlatformEffector2D | 251 |
PlatformModuleSetup | 877146078 |
PlayableDirector | 320 |
PlayerSettings | 129 |
PluginBuildInfo | 382020655 |
PluginImporter | 1050 |
PointEffector2D | 250 |
Polygon2D | 100010 |
PolygonCollider2D | 60 |
PositionConstraint | 1818360608 |
Prefab | 1001480554 |
PrefabImporter | 468431735 |
PrefabInstance | 1001 |
PreloadData | 150 |
Preset | 181963792 |
PresetManager | 1386491679 |
PreviewAnimationClip | 1108 |
PreviewImporter | 815301076 |
ProceduralMaterial | 185 |
ProceduralTexture | 186 |
投影器 (Projector) | 119 |
QualitySettings | 47 |
RayTracingShader | 825902497 |
RayTracingShaderImporter | 747330370 |
RectTransform | 224 |
ReferencesArtifactGenerator | 1114811875 |
ReflectionProbe | 215 |
RelativeJoint2D | 254 |
Renderer | 25 |
RenderSettings | 104 |
RenderTexture | 84 |
ResourceManager | 147 |
Rigidbody | 54 |
Rigidbody2D | 50 |
RootMotionData | 100006 |
RotationConstraint | 1818360609 |
RuleSetFileAsset | 954905827 |
RuleSetFileImporter | 1777034230 |
RuntimeAnimatorController | 93 |
RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManager | 300 |
SampleClip | 271 |
ScaleConstraint | 1818360610 |
SceneAsset | 1032 |
ScenesUsingAssets | 156483287 |
SceneVisibilityState | 1154873562 |
ScriptedImporter | 2089858483 |
Shader | 48 |
ShaderImporter | 1007 |
ShaderInclude | 109 |
ShaderIncludeImporter | 2103361453 |
ShaderNameRegistry | 94 |
ShaderVariantCollection | 200 |
SketchUpImporter | 1124 |
SkinnedMeshRenderer | 137 |
Skybox | 45 |
SliderJoint2D | 234 |
SortingGroup | 210 |
SparseTexture | 171 |
SpeedTreeImporter | 1110 |
SpeedTreeWindAsset | 228 |
SphereCollider | 135 |
SpringJoint | 145 |
SpringJoint2D | 231 |
Sprite | 213 |
SpriteAtlas | 687078895 |
SpriteAtlasAsset | 612988286 |
SpriteAtlasDatabase | 638013454 |
SpriteAtlasImporter | 1210832254 |
SpriteMask | 331 |
SpriteRenderer | 212 |
SpriteShapeRenderer | 1971053207 |
StreamingController | 1542919678 |
StreamingManager | 1403656975 |
SubstanceArchive | 184 |
SubstanceImporter | 1112 |
SurfaceEffector2D | 252 |
TagManager | 78 |
TargetJoint2D | 257 |
Terrain | 218 |
TerrainCollider | 154 |
TerrainData | 156 |
TerrainLayer | 1953259897 |
TextAsset | 49 |
TextMesh | 102 |
TextScriptImporter | 1031 |
Texture | 27 |
Texture2D | 28 |
Texture2DArray | 187 |
Texture3D | 117 |
TextureImporter | 1006 |
Tilemap | 1839735485 |
TilemapCollider2D | 19719996 |
TilemapRenderer | 483693784 |
TimeManager | 5 |
TrailRenderer | 96 |
Transform | 4 |
Tree | 193 |
TrueTypeFontImporter | 1042 |
UnityConnectSettings | 310 |
Vector3f | 100005 |
VersionControlSettings | 890905787 |
VFXManager | 937362698 |
VFXRenderer | 73398921 |
VideoBuildInfo | 1521398425 |
VideoClip | 329 |
VideoClipImporter | 1127 |
VideoPlayer | 328 |
VisualEffect | 2083052967 |
VisualEffectAsset | 2058629509 |
VisualEffectImporter | 2058629510 |
VisualEffectObject | 2059678085 |
VisualEffectResource | 2058629511 |
VisualEffectSubgraph | 994735392 |
VisualEffectSubgraphBlock | 994735404 |
VisualEffectSubgraphOperator | 994735403 |
void | 100011 |
WebCamTexture | 158 |
WheelCollider | 146 |
WheelJoint2D | 235 |
WindZone | 182 |
Unused IDs: 7, 10, 12, 14 - 17, 22, 24, 26, 31 - 32, 34 - 40, 42, 44, 46, 51 - 52, 63, 67, 69, 71, 73, 76 - 77, 79 - 80, 85, 87 - 88, 92, 97, 99 - 101, 103, 105 - 107, 112 - 113, 125, 127, 131 - 133, 139 - 140, 148 - 149, 151, 155, 160 - 161, 163, 172 - 179, 189 - 190, 194, 197, 201 - 204, 209, 211, 216 - 217, 219, 239, 242, 260 - 270, 274 - 289, 291 - 299, 301 - 309, 311 - 318, 321 - 327, 332 - 362, 364 - 1000, 1004, 1009 - 1019, 1021 - 1025, 1027, 1033, 1036 - 1037, 1039, 1043 - 1044, 1046 - 1047, 1052 - 1054, 1056 - 1100, 1103 - 1104, 1106, 1114 - 1119, 1121 - 1123, 1128 - 99999, 100012 - 19719995, 19719997 - 41386429, 41386431 - 73398920, 73398922 - 156049353, 156049355 - 156483286, 156483288 - 171741747, 171741749 - 181963791, 181963793 - 285090593, 285090595 - 294290338, 294290340 - 369655925, 369655927 - 382020654, 382020656 - 387306365, 387306367 - 426301857, 426301859 - 468431734, 468431736 - 483693783, 483693785 - 612988285, 612988287 - 638013453, 638013455 - 641289075, 641289077 - 644342134, 644342136 - 662584277, 662584279 - 668709125, 668709127 - 687078894, 687078896 - 747330369, 747330371 - 815301075, 815301077 - 825902496, 825902498 - 850595690, 850595692 - 877146077, 877146079 - 890905786, 890905788 - 893571521, 893571523 - 895512358, 895512360 - 937362697, 937362699 - 954905826, 954905828 - 994735391, 994735393 - 994735402, 994735405 - 1001480553, 1001480555 - 1027052790, 1027052792 - 1114811874, 1114811876 - 1152215462, 1152215464 - 1154873561, 1154873563 - 1183024398, 1183024400 - 1210832253, 1210832255 - 1223240403, 1223240405 - 1268269755, 1268269757 - 1325145577, 1325145579 - 1386491678, 1386491680 - 1403656974, 1403656976 - 1480428606, 1480428608 - 1521398424, 1521398426 - 1542919677, 1542919679 - 1736697215, 1736697217 - 1742807555, 1742807557 - 1766753192, 1766753194 - 1773428101, 1773428103 - 1777034229, 1777034231 - 1818360607, 1818360611 - 1839735484, 1839735486 - 1896753124, 1896753127 - 1953259896, 1953259898 - 1971053206, 1971053208 - 2058629508, 2058629512 - 2059678084, 2059678086 - 2083052966, 2083052968 - 2083778818, 2083778820 - 2089858482, 2089858484 - 2103361452, 2103361454 - 2147483647
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